Chapter 64 - Bad Intentions

Start from the beginning

How did you learn how to talk to me through your mind? I thought you could only do that when I talked first.

I gave Dylan a puzzled look and he just shrugged.

"Now, now, boys let us talk with the voices everyone can hear, not with the ones in our head," Mother chimed in.

"Fine, let's just get this over with," I mumbled as we all walked inside the mansion.


Dinner? She invited us over for dinner?!

"Is something the matter Eros?" Mother gave me an 'I dare you to complain' look.

"Nope, everything is peachy!" I sarcastically spoke immediately receiving a kick from Dylan under the table.

The table was long, Mother was on one end of it while I was at the other, Dylan was to the right of me not too far away hence he was able to kick me. Various types of food were scattered around the table on elegant plates. Dylan probably didn't recognize most of the food in front of him.

"So I heard that you are the boy who has made my foolish son fall in love," Mother broke the silence.

"Well, he fell in love voluntarily, it wasn't my fault," Dylan corrected.

"What about you?" She shot another question at him.


"Do yo—"

I spoke up, "Mother leave hi—"

"Let me ask him the question," she cut me off.

I huffed not happy about this at all.

"Do you love my idiot son back?"

I could see Dylan's face turn red as he let the question sink in.

"I—uh, well, of course I l—love him back," he stumbled with his words.

This made even me blush a bit, he doesn't really admit it most of the time.

"No you don't," she dismissively waved her hand.

"I will fu—"

"Yes I do," Dylan spoke cutting me off and catching me by surprise.

"Then if you do, drink the liquid in the cup in front of you," she dared.

The cup in front of him should just be regular water so I was confused as to why she asked him to do that.

"Okay," he grabbed the cup and chugged the water easily.

"What was the point in that?" I asked confused.

"I just wanted to see if he trusted me, I could have poisoned that," she smirked. "Anyways," she turned to him, "you do not love my son."

"Why do you keep saying that?!" Dylan seemed to be getting pissed.

"Because you probably just like him due to him being Eros, he emits an aura that makes single people fall in love with him easily," she explained.

"What?! As if! That much may be true, but I had to work hard in order to make Dylan fall in love with me! He struggles to even say he loves me! Most who are under the spell would tell me they love me until their voices give out," I clarified a bit annoyed that she made it sound so easy.

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