Epilogue :)

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Whilst Ryan had sadly passed away, the happy trio eventually moved on living the life Ryan would have wanted them to have. Although the memories were still with them and the thoughts of him stuck in their minds, they still had their moments of mourn none the less of how much they tried not to give in to the bottled up emotions of their loss.

As promised, Cookie and Tom helped raise the two kids who, may I say so myself, look stunning and all grown up now! Emily has grown up enjoying life, though still missing her dad dearly, and got a career in music. She grew up with beautiful looks and a healthy body just like her brother. Speaking of brothers, her little brother Freddie has, like Emily, grown up enjoying life however he was a newborn when his dad informed his friends about what was happening, only being one by the time his dad had passed. He doesn't have any memories with his dad to hold onto as his one year old brain developed, new memories over taking the few of his dad the newborn could take at the time. Ryan's passing didn't affect him as much but is still upset he didn't get to grow up much at all with a dad. Freddie got a career in  technology: creating and designing new games.

Their mum - Ash - and auntie and uncle - Cookie and Tom -, watch as life passes by, always looking out for the mischievous and loving pair. They may be older now and nearing their end, but they won't think of it too much, just enjoy life while they still have it.

When their mum finally passed, reuniting with Ryan up above, the two found a note given to them by someone they don't even know. The decision is theirs whether to look at the note, or ignore it - pretending nothing happened.

Do they take the risk?

I suppose you'll have to find out in book 2

Yep, that's right. I decided to bring out a book 2! Well it's not out yet as I haven't started writing it, aha, but there will be one coming out when I've finished one or two books. Y'all asked for it and I said maybe. Then I thought of an idea to make you guys happy; an idea belonging to the sequel of this book. I have no idea what will come of it but ay, it's worth a try. Comment what you think...? Aha I don't know what I'm doing anymore. Anyway, good Bai! See ya in book 2 xx

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