The New Addition

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Even though I was up at midnight helping Ash birth new life into the world - with Nurse Nelly's help of course - somehow I still wake up at my normal time of 10 ish. I'm so tired but my brain won't let me go back to sleep so I might as well get up.

With a silent yawn and a small stretch, I get up and out of bed and head downstairs to greet everyone. I do catch a glimpse of the state I'm in and let me tell you, it ain't pretty. You can tell I've not had sleep because I'm paler today, I have big bags under my eyes and there's the return of the fringe. Oh god. The return of the fringe is literally that. Whenever I haven't slept at all or something like that, I somehow end up with a fringe in the morning. I don't bother trying to sort it out because there's no use however, I put on my glasses that I used to wear years ago to hide the bags more although they still do show. Man, everything is clearer with glasses. It's probably a sign that I should wear them more.

As well as the ugly state I see in the mirror, I see a happy and gorgeous newborn baby boy sleeping peacefully in a crib. The sight brings joy to my heart and a smile to my face. I can't wait to show Freddie to the others.

I quietly make my way downstairs to not disturb anyone else who is sleeping. I say my good mornings as I head straight into the kitchen to avoid eye contact with the others.

"Busy day today. Lots of filming. Lots of filming." Tyson announces as he makes his way over to the couch. I groan, not wanting to do anything however comply as to not cause attention to myself.

"Ryan? You okay there? You didn't sound too great" Megan asks.

Well that plan failed.

"Yeh I'm fine. Just a little tired is all" I smile incase she can see my mouth if she is looking at me.

"Alright then".

I make myself some tea to energise me but the lack of sleep and the stress overpowers the excitement and energy of the tea by miles and only manages to relax me I suppose.

I take a seat on the couch with the others and Matt is the first to notice my glasses. "Hey bud, you're wearing your glasses after like, forever!". I hum with a nod before taking a sip of my tea. "And they aren't great cover ups either mate"

"What are you on about?" I ask, pretending like I don't know.

"The big bags under your eyes that are very visible"

"Uh, heh, just tired like I said before."

"Ryan" the demanding voice from my older brother Tom makes me give in. How he does it I don't know.

"Fine. I didn't sleep till like 2 hours ago or something. Not telling why until a certain someone comes down"

"Ryan had sex during the night!" Burt Shouts.

"No! Well yes but no! Burt shut up"

"Wait what? You cheated on me?"

"Burt, 'Bryan' was never a thing. Never has been and never will be"

"Either way, you did it?"

"Ages ago calm yourself down mate"

"How long is ages ago?" Zach questions with this look on his face that says he is conjuring up something in that head of his.

"I don't know. 10 months maybe? I don't count the days after I had sex Zach"

He laughs. "True that."

We spend the next few hours chatting and planning the scenes and set ups for the filming today. Eventually, Ash makes an appearance - somehow looking in a much better state than I am and she was the one who gave birth!

"Ash how?"

"How what?"

"Look at me. Then look at you." She does so. "How?"

"I slept more"

"2 hours more sleep. That's how much of a difference 2 hours does?"

"Apparently so"

"What are you guys on about?" Tom Asks as he makes another round of drinks for those who want a top up.

"I'm telling you, they did it" Burt calls.

"No!" Me and Ash say in unison.


"How's he holding up this morning?" I ask Ash.

"Still asleep" she replies with a smile as she comes and sits next to me. "Aw your fringe!"

"Yeh well.. oh shush". She giggles. "I'm going to sort myself out. Freshen up y'know?"

"Alright. Check on him will you please?"

"Of course" I quickly kiss her forehead before standing up and heading to the bathroom to freshen up.

Once I look decently good, I head into the bedroom to find Freddie happily playing away with his stuffed teddies. When he spots me, he smiles widely and makes grabby hands towards me - indicating I pick him up. And I do just that. I head over to the crib and lift out the bundle of joy. I change his diaper and re wrap the blanket around him before holding him carefully as I make my way back downstairs.

When I arrive downstairs, Ash is watching TV and everyone is setting the cameras up outside. I seat myself on the couch next to Ash and hand Freddie over to her to feed him and cuddle him whilst I go outside to the others.

Got a very long day ahead of my tired and half functioning self.

A Youtube Ship || Tyan (Ryguyrocky X TinaTheTiger - Ash503)Where stories live. Discover now