A Year On

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Hai guys. I'm really sorry but I've had to skip a year forward because the amount of chapters I would have had to write, introducing all the new characters one by one and trying to write chapters for 2 more years in Ryan's time in Spain until he does something (that I won't say now obvs) so sorry and I hope you understand.

It's been a year and me, Fitz, John and Ash have become a squad. We Skype almost every night and have helped John sleep more. I have a feeling that John has feelings for Fitz but I've not quite figured it out yet. There's definitely some sort of connection that goes just that bit more than friends. I don't know but anyway, I've got another year and a bit to wait until I go on holiday back to Texas for a month or so. I'll get to see Ash again and even now, I'm super excited and I can't wait any longer.

I wake up around 5 am to hear Lydia crying. Lydia is now one and doesn't wake up as much as she used to. It's now gone down from every other day to just twice a week or 2 times a day, once a week and this is her first time this week. I slowly get out of bed and go to Lydia's bedroom. I should probably get her bottle so I'll  pick her up and take her downstairs. When I pick her up, her crying quietens down a bit and I walk back to my bedroom to grab my phone before going downstairs and getting Lydia's milk bottle from the fridge. I sit her down on the couch with the bottle and she happily drinks from it. I decide to go on my phone until she falls asleep again so I take a few photos and post them on my Instagram story captioned with: little sister woke me up at 5. Tired as.

I post it and just scroll through Instagram, liking pictures. I decide to tweet the caption on my Twitter because I'm bored and have nothing else better to do.

A few minutes later, I get a notification telling me that someone replied to my Instagram story and so I open it up whilst I have time before I have to put Lydia back to bed. It's from Ash.

Awe poor you. Try and get back to sleep. We have a whole Skype day ahead of us x

I smile as I read it and I reply back

says the one who's awake x

I turn to Lydia who is on the verge of falling asleep sat up so I pick her up, shove my phone in my pocket and go back upstairs where I put Lydia back to bed. By the time she's in bed, she's in a deep sleep again so I go back to my own bedroom and decide to just stream because I doubt I will fall asleep. A few seconds after my stream starts, fans instantly join.

My channel has grown a bit due to gaming with not just Ash but with Toby, Jay, Cam, Swagger, Mason, And Smii7y. Swagger, Mason and Smii7y are all friends of Jay's and now I get why Toby says that Jay's friends are cool because they are.

I look at my webcam and smile, waving and saying hi, "Hey guys. I know this is an unexpected, very early stream but my baby sister woke up like 15 minutes ago crying but she's fallen asleep now. I thought there was no point in me falling asleep again so I decided I would stream. Hope you all enjoy it. I'm just going to be messing around on different games." I rub my eyes and select games to play as I talk to my viewers, answering some of their questions.

I realise I'm not wearing a top due to it being so warm in Spain and I go and put on a baggy jumper for now.

I look over the chat, reading out a few questions and answering them. "what are my plans for the rest of the day? Nothing. Just on Skype with Cam, Toby and Ash all day." I laugh at myself realising that I have nothing better to do with my time then staying in doors on a sunny day, on my laptop.

The stream turns out to be pretty good with 250k viewers - which is decent for me especially as it's an unexpected early stream. I decide to end the stream at 7:30 am so I can try to go to sleep again. I take off my baggy jumper so I'm not boiling and I'm about to drift off half an hour later when my laptop starts beeping.

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