Truth Or Dare?

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Hai guys so you know the characters Fitz/Cam, Toby/John, McCreamy/Jay, Swagger, Zuckles and Any of the misfits I added? Well I'm not going to include them until way further on in the story now. When I first started planning this story, it was a script lay out in my notes completely based on Tyan. Earlier on this year, around June, I was introduced to those youtubers - not in person obviously, just by watching their videos - by a friend. I enjoyed their content and decided to add them to the script. The fact that I have now made a story from that script and people actually read it still amazes me because I'm kind of crap at writing especially from paragraphing a script and stuff. Initially this was only going to be about Tyan but obviously I discovered those other youtubers. The way I started this whole thing off by Ryan moving away meant that I had to make him make some friends and it was easier for me to introduce them then than working my brain too much figuring out how I can introduce them really later on. Plus, the script doesn't include them until the end as I said so it's hard to make space to discuss and hang out with them lot. This means there is no more of those guys until later on (as I keep saying- sorry). I will refer to them every so often but until then, they're gone. For those who enjoyed having them, go and read my newest story that I'm still publishing and stuff called Gay Life. That focuses on those lot and the misfits and friends and what not and this is now going to be Tyan based until further notice. I hope you still enjoy the story.

Also, there will be Spanish in this so when there is something in Spanish, I will translate it for you in bold in brackets. Bai x

Ryan's POV (still)

"Hi Everybody!!" I shout as I enter the daycare room.

"Hi Guys!" Follows Tina shortly after.

"Hi Ryan. Hi Tina." Everyone waves at us.

Director approaches us with a smile and a wave, "Hiya Bud. Hi Tina, you came in with Ryan today! Any reason?"


"You sure?"


"Tina..." he raises an eyebrows and folds his arms.

As they retaliate I stand and watch them and I  finally get bored and interfere, "Ladies Ladies. Settle down. Have a spork."

"Oh Ok- wait! I'm not a lady!" Director frowns and Tina giggles. Lately I've found her giggle really cute. Not that it wasn't nice or cute before! Just- ugh. Never mind. Heh.

"Yeh Yeh. Anyway." I shrug get on the table as usual. And Director sighs,

"Haven't you realised that your not supposed to stand on tables Ryan?!"

"It's the sacred table. In other words it's my table and i run the daycare!"

"Of course. How could I forget" he says with sarcasm and rolls his eyes.

"Be quiet Director." Pipes up Tina.

I laugh and turn round to the other kids. "So, What are we doing today?"

"Truth or dare." Suggests my sis. Of course. She loves daring me to do stupid things so of course, being stupid, I let her go first.

"Ok. Cookie you can go first."

"Ok. Ryan. Truth or dare?" Great. The endless possibilities of the outcome to this.

"Dare" shoot! Why'd I say dare? Kill me now. I'm really going to regret this aren't I? I look at Cookie who has a smug grin on her face.

"I dare you to kiss Tina."

What? I stand there, silent, before actually reacting to her dare. "...  no, Los odios chicos" (... no, I hate you guys)

A Youtube Ship || Tyan (Ryguyrocky X TinaTheTiger - Ash503)Where stories live. Discover now