Free Day

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"Welcome To Another Day Of Daycare!" I shout as I run into the daycare building. I run into the daycare room with a smile on my face, ready to greet everyone. "Hello everyone!"

"Hai Cutie!"

"Wow. We haven't done that greeting for years!

"I know!"

"Big Day.". Before anything else can be done or said, big hands shake my body and take me by surprise - making me jump. After the person has done scaring me, I turn around to find it was Thomas who responsible for the scaring. "Thomas Dingy-Di-Do-Da! You scared me."

"Yes!" He fist pumps the air.

I shake my head, trying to ignore his stupid hand action. "Oi Crispy Boi!" I shout out the window and to Unicorn's lab.

"What?" I hear him shout back.

"Get down here."

"What, no?!"

"Fight me like a man!"

"N-No! Get away from me!"

"Crispy Boi, I can run faster than you."

S"You make a fair point. Ok I'm coming. But My lab is of limits to Crispy Boi's today though. Cough cough Ryan cough cough"

"You're the Crispy Boi here!"

"... Yeh Whatever."

"That's What i thought."

"Crispy... Boi?" Asks Tina, confused. I hum. "I don't get it."

"Inside Joke plus Nickname for Sleezy Weezy Over there." I explain, breaking the fourth wall slightly.

"Ah Right. Wait I was there."

"Oh Yeh. You were. Forgot. Anyway, hi everybody!"

"Hello Ryan!" They all respond.


"Yes Tina?"

"Can we have a free day today so you can teach me how to handstand in the tree house please?"

"Sure. Everyone split up! Free day and tree house if off limits today. Thanks."

"You mean I came down here for nothing?" Asks Unicorn.


"Oh my. Right. No going in the lab or communicating with me unless it's important."

"To Do a successful handstand, you need to have the confidence, the strength, and be able to hold it for a bit like this". I stand back a bit and do a hand stand and hold it for a bit. My top comes down a bit and I already feel my face burning up. "Woops"

"It's ok". She steps forward a bit and holds up my top for me. "There ya go"

"Th-Thanks". God why did I stutter? I get out of my handstand and sort out my top. "you try. I'll hold your legs."


"No problem.". She gets into a surprisingly good handstand and I grab her legs. "Imma let go now"

"No! Ryan please! I'm scared. I'm a girl! I'm weaker than you.."

"You're gender does not effect this. In fact, I'm pretty sure girls are supposed to be better at handstands than guys. At least most anyway. And are you heckers weak. You're the craziest girl I know and always will be. I know you can do this.". I slowly remove my hands from her legs and she seems to stay in the handstand.

"Yay!" She cheers although as she says that, she starts to wobble slightly and loose balance a bit. I manage to catch her before she falls and I help her get up safely.

"Careful. Come on. Let's go back"

"Sounds like a plan!"

"Gosh darn you Tiger Girl"

"How was everyone's free day?" Danny asks once everyone's gathered back in the daycare room.

"Good" says Cookie and Pup barks.

"Great, I learnt how to hand stand." Tina tells them.

"Good. I cuddled and did experiments with Goldy over here." Says Unicorn.

"Awe. Cookie Got a BF yet?" I ask.

"Shut up." She frowns. "And no. Yet."

"Big Day."

"Shut up. Ryguy!"

"Oh you wanna go Collin? You wanna start somet"

"Yeh Crispy Boi!". We all start laughing and then Sabre appears out of no where, shocking us all.

"Troll pack season two!!!!" He announced in a loud voice.

"Oh Yeh!!" I completely forgot that today was the return of troll pack - at least one or two episodes.

"Let's go!" Says Tina, pulling me out of my seat and dragging me out.

"Wait. Sabre where did you come from?"

"My Mum. But I mean if you're wondering where I entered, the front door." He jokes.

"Right. Bye"

"Hello Everybody! I'm Ash, here with Ryguyrocky." I look at Ash's Minecraft character and watch as she falls of the edge of the building we are perched on.

"Oh. Well bye.". She laughs. "So Basically-" I'm cut off by Ash repeating the same word as we hear the sound of her dogs barking.

"Oh. Oh. Oh"

"Someone has entered the house I imagine?"

"Yeah. Think it's Tony. Anyway Lets try again". I laugh at our fail. "Hello, And we are back with Troll Pack Season 2! We have actually built before filming so we were all ready for the series."


"So we have got our selves a grand 4 tower building. The front two are bedrooms. The back two are storage. As you look at it from the front, The one to the left is Goldy's. And the one on the right as you look at it from the front is Mine and Ryan's.

"The comments are gonna go crazy." I mutter quietly into my mic.

"Yeh.". Out of no where, she does this high pitched gasp that scared the crap out of me.


"The Adorable pets!!! There is Edd, Ed and Eddie. The blue one is a hamster and is called Eddie and is Goldy's. The green one is a hamster and is called Edd and is Ryan's. And this Extremely cute-" She does the gasp again before continuing. "-puppy is mine! It's yellow and is called Ed."

"Yeh we were out exploring and I found this cute puppy and i took it back and she was like i want it"

She laughs at my impression of her reaction to me bringing back the puppy. "We did have a secret base before this one but Ben, Donny and Jerome found it and it got blown up, bedrock placed all over and webs all over and from that point on it was pretty much unusable."

"Now we have this one" I state, flying around. 

"And it's great" Ash adds. We fly around for a bit and set up a mini prank, as well as give the viewers a tour before ending the episode. "Let's leave this episode here then. This is kind of a catch up episode. The next episode will be better. With more action."

"That's right."



We both stop recording and say our goodbyes. I decide to just.flop out on my bed because honestly, I'm super tired.

A Youtube Ship || Tyan (Ryguyrocky X TinaTheTiger - Ash503)Where stories live. Discover now