Finally Together

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I yawn, rubbing my tired eyes as I stumble out of bed. I turn on my bedside lamp and look at my dreary self that has not yet woken up fully in the mirror. I sigh, walking towards my wardrobe and opening it up, presenting myself with so many clothes I could wear today. It's Christmas day today so I've got to wear something festive.

Eventually I pull myself together and stop procrastinating and actually get changed. I throw on a red and green Christmas themed hoodie and some blue jeans. I slip on some regular Nike trainers and wrap a soft Christmas scarf around my neck. Before I head downstairs, I remember to actually sort out my hair and tidy it up and do anything else necessary to do when you wake up.

Grabbing my keys and wallet, I shove them in my pocket and head into the kitchen where a bouquet of flowers is laid on the table. I smile remembering my plan for today and pick them up, heading over to Ash's house. By the time I get there, it's 7:30 am so it's pretty early.

When I knock on the front door, I already feel the nervous butterflies building up inside my stomach and flying around like crazy.

Sooner or later the door opens and Ash appears peering round the corner of door still in her pjs and her hair done up in a messy bun - it's cute.

"Hello?". She smiles in a matter of seconds when she realises it's me. "Oh hi Ryan. It is very early. What's up?"

"Hey Ash, um... I wanted to give you something whilst no one is around..."

"Oh Ok, come in". She steps back and allows me in, shutting the door and I follow her into the living room.

"Thank you."

"You can Sit down."

"Thanks.". We sit down across from each other and it hits me that I'm about to do this.


"Well, take this...". I hand her the small bouquet of Azure Blues that she happily takes with a smile - the flowers being her favourite.

"Awe, thank you!"

"This gift is... a verbal gift. And you answer the gift."


"makes sense?"


"Well, I have been... thinking."


"And was wondering...". She hums, telling me that she is following what I'm saying - just not exactly verbally. "will you be my girlfriend?".
I say it so quick I don't know if she could even make it out however I do notice that her eyes instantly light up and that the smile spread widely across her face becomes even bigger if possible.

Her eyes glisten and twinkle as she approaches me and hugs me. "Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes! Of course I'll be your girlfriend!!! This is the best present ever Cutie!". I smile - her reaction being the best I could have hoped for and also being cute. "Thank you.." She says as she sits next to me after parting from our hug.

"For What?" I ask, a little confused.

"for everything."

"and thank you for everything too"

She snuggled us close to me and stupidly, a little blush dusts my cheeks. "I love you"

I wrap my arm around her body and cuddle her. "I think you'll find that I love you more."



"how so?"

"I asked you out."

A Youtube Ship || Tyan (Ryguyrocky X TinaTheTiger - Ash503)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora