Ryan's A Dad ?!

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Ryan's POV

"Tina's late?" I ask, walking into the daycare room a little later than usual. I was practically dead for months ok! I have a pass on this one. At least I should do.

"And I'm the new class president. Tina is band for the day." Goldy claims as she jumps into the table, arms flailing around.

My eyes widen. "What?!"

"you heard. You're mine now."

"Oh heck no!"

"Goldy what are you doing on the table? What's going on?" A confused Tina finally walks into the daycare room.

"Ryan's mine" Goldy tells Tina

"you wanna bet?" Director inputs leaving Goldy with nothing. 

"don't mess with Tina." I frown.

"you're mine now!!"

"oh no he's not!!" Tina shouts back  

"Yes He is."

"oh heck no!" By now, Tina is stood next to me and so I pull her close to me and hug her.  "I'm Tina's"

"He is my Cutie." She adds.

"I guess you could call him a Cutie." Goldy mutters with a smirk.

"fine. I'll leave seeing as I'm unwanted and no one is on my side" she pulls away from me, running out of the daycare.

"Goldy! Look what you did!" I make a sharp turn on my heels and go after Tina. "Tina! Come back!"

"Tina!?" I run into her house, panting.

"Ryan?" A shaky voice makes its way to me and I look up to find Tina.

"Tina!" I smile, giving her a big hug.

"You came all the way here... for me?"


"Why? No one wanted me there..." She averts her gaze to the floor.

"I did!"

"I know that but none of my friends were..." Quiet sobs are heard escaping her mouth. I hug her again, rubbing her back to comfort her.

"don't cry Tina."

She wipes away her tears, taking a few deep breaths. After a few moments, she smiles widely and looks excited. "Want to see your daughter?" She asks, back in her normal voice.

"My daughter??" My eyes widen slightly. I'm in a state of.. shock? Confusion? How can I be a dad? Especially to her daughter? I wasn't even dating Ash. Only Tina. What is happening?

"Yeh, I was unexpectedly pregnant and had a daughter all a month after your death."

"What is she called?"


I smile. "Cute.". I follow Ash to her room where sure enough, there's a little girl lying in a crib beside Ash's bed.

"Here." She lifts Emily out of her crib, handing her to me. I carefully take her, cuddling both her and Ash.

"She's cute like you." I admit, making us both go red.

She giggles. "Thanks."

I smile at Emily, placing her back into her crib. "on a more serious note. We gotta go back!"

"go back? Why can't we stay here?" She asks, returning to her role as the sociopath named Tina.

"there is cakes and the garden and the tower..... we have the portal."

"True True. Let's go then."

"who's gonna look after Emily? And do the others know about her?"

"We will take Emily and it's about time that the others know."

"Right.". I pick up Emily again and walk downstairs with Tina. "Let's go."

"Careful with Emily."

"don't worry."

"hello everyone. I have returned with Tina."

"Cookie, Kat! Do you not want me here?" She frowns.

"course we do girl. If we said anything we would have been shot." Cookie informs her.

"if that wasn't gonna happen then we would have helped" Kat adds.

"too late now though isn't it." Says Tina.

I put Emily on ny shoulders, holding her tight. This makes her giggle which makes Tina giggle and me smile. 

"Woah! Who is this little girl?" Asks Director

Me and Tina look at each other, smiling.  I look back at Director. "My daughter."

"Your daughter?!"

"Yes. My daughter. D-a-u-g-h-t-e-r. I spelled it out for you."

"I know how to spell it, I'm just shocked. Who is the Mum?"

"Are you dumb?" I wrap an arm around Tina. "it's Ash, Tina, Tori. What ever her fricken name is anymore.  It's Tina's daughter. She is the Mum you idiot."

"Well congrats. How long have you had her?"

"Well, not being a bad dad but I only just found out that I had a daughter. It was the reason she blacked out like a year ago because she was pregnant with Emily, no?"

Tina hums, nodding. "Yep."

"cute. But one thing?"

"Ok." I hum

"Ryan, you and Ash aren't dating. You and Tina are so how did this all happen?"

"Good point. I don't know"

"Well we are closer than normal friends outside of daycare anyway but I don't know either" she admits.


Hai so this dad thing. I know some of you guys are confused and so am I a little bit. Younger me wrote this so yeah. All you need to know is that they have a child. I can't get rid of that because that affects the rest of the script. Emily is included in the rest of their life so yeah. Sorry for the confusion but all you need to know is that they now have a daughter.

Man this chapter was confusing. Lol. Bai xx

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