The Bully

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"Welcome To Another Day Of Daycare!!"

Tina raises an eyebrow, "How long have you been doing that?"

I shrug, "Since like the third day of daycare."


We walk into the lobby to greet Thomas, "Hi Thom- Paper Thomas?" Um, where's Thomas? "Has real Thomas gone on vacation with his bells again?"

"Probably. I mean, he might have some important bell business to deal with." Replies Tina.

"Yeh probably."

"Yep, bell business it is!". I flinch at the unexpected arrival of Director, "Holy Crud Director. You scared me!"

"Yeh Director. That's mean."

Director fist bumps the air - which is cringe if you ask me. "Finally, I scared you!" I give him a death stare and he slowly walks backwards back to his office.

"Anyway I'm going to go to the daycare room. Come on Tina"

She smiles, "Coming Cutie!"

When we arrive in the daycare room I greet everyone with a big hi: "Hi Everybody!"

"Hi Ryan, Hi Tina" says Danny

Cookie turns to us from talking to Lizzie and Kay, "What's up Ryan! Hiya Tina!" Cookie always arrives like an hour or half an hour before me because I'm lazy.

"Hello, not much Cookie, not much at all."

Cookie smiles and Tina eventually gets to actually say hi to everyone, "Hi People!"

I go over to the table and just sit on it right in the middle. "So what are we doing today? Anyone have any ideas?"

Cookie raises a hand, "Baking?"

"Let's save that for a special occasion."

She nods, "ok!"

"Cuddles and Kisses?" Tina suggests. Of course she suggests that. It's such a Tina thing. As much as I'd love to cuddle her I can't. I shake my head,

"As much fun as it sounds, not everyone here has a special someone."

"Ooooo special someone ay!" Mocks Matt as he enters the playroom. I shoot him yet another death stare,

"I will"

He raises and eyebrow and folds his arms, "will what?"

I stay silent for a bit before standing up and jumping off the table towards Matt, "I will shoot you multiple times!"

His eyes widen and he starts backing away, "nope Im leaving."

"Yeh that's right. Leave!" I return the table where I sit down again and continue to find something to do.


"Sorry Tina. Same answer as the cuddles and kisses."

"When we get home?"

I get off the table and whisper in Tina's ear, "maybe at my house after daycare, yes" I then go back to sitting on the table.

"yay!" She claps her hands excitedly and you can see a happy smile on her face.

"Tiger Wanna Be Over Here Is A Baby!" Remarks this dude I haven't yet noticed. He's clearly new and isn't nice in the slightest  "Cuddles? Pffft!"

I turn to him, "Excuse me?"

"What it's true!"

I raise an eyebrow at him, "What did you just say!?"

Matt places his hands on my shoulders, "Ryan, calm down."

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