The Tour

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"Hey Guys!! I know I'm not Ryan. But, at least you have something to watch am I Right? No? Well sorry, I don't know where Ryan is." I hear Goldy starting the tour. I still can't believe that the daycare got to have their own tour. It's great.

"Hey Guys! I'm so so sorry! I'm gonna be a bit late because me and Tina have been captured. Anyone who can help us. Please help!!" I hear myself say on the screen. I remember filming that. I had to stand Infront of a green screen and record a message that would show on the screen to the audience to say me and Tina have been 'captured'.

"Jeez." Says Unicorn, scaring Goldy.

"Unicorn Man! You scared me bud."

"Haha but we need to save the love birds."

The audience ooo's making me chuckle quietly. "They say they aren't dating."

"Ryan is a good liar. Who knows."

"True. Back to the problem! Hey, these lot look like a helpful lot. Think you can help us?"

"Yeh!!" Shouts the audience.

"Amazing." I can hear the push of a button.

"Unicorn Man! That could have blown something up!". From up top, me and Tina can see the smoke being blown down onto the stage. "Uh Oh."


"Unicorn!! Look what you've done. Guys, What is he like?"

"useless in these situations!" Shouts a member of the audience, making us all laugh.

"Yes! I agree."

"Whatever.". Me and Tina carefully stand back as a hatch opens from next to us and a plastic cage falls down that we were 'trapped' in. "Huh? Did they break out?"

"Ryan Is too dumb to do that. Maybe someone got them out?"

"But Who? Did one of you lot do it?"

"No" The audience reply. We throw a rope down the hole in the roof but we don't slide down it. Yet.

"Strange. Wait, why has a rope just fallen from the roof?".

"Why would I know? I'm not Sherlock."

The audience laugh and start chanting. "We Want Tyan! We want Tyan!"

"They're asking for it. What shall we do?" Unicorn asks.

"Well. If they cheer loud enough, maybe they'll arrive? It's what happens at every tour. Am I right?"

"Ryan wouldn't do something original and common."

"Climb the rope.* Says Goldy out of no where.


"Climb the rope!"

"What no! You climb the rope!"

"No! I'm not climbing the rope."

"Well I'm not."

"Well neither am I. I'm a girl."

"I'm a man. Ha!"

"Just Cli-". The audience cut her off by cheering as I eventually slide down the rope, landing safely on the stage.

"would you two just stop fighting?!" I ask.

"Ryan?" They both ask, pretending to be surprised - show biz y'know.

"Hello. Hola. Bonjour.. Um. I don't know hello in any other languages."

"Konichiwa!" Shouts a member of the audience.

"Yeh. What that guy said! Thanks dude.". I laugh, looking up the rope. "Tina!?" I call up to her.

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