The Park

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Ryan's POV

"Hi Everyone" I say with a little wave as I stroll into the park.

"Hi Ryan! You're ok!" They all reply, some coming over and hugging me.

"Not much better."

"Hello Bud." Says Matt with a pat on the back.

"What are you supposed to be? A disappointment?" My little comment earns a few laughs, making me laugh.

"Ha. Ha. Very funny. So funny I forgot to laugh.". He goes to kick my leg playfully but I dodge it thankfully.

"Oh you wanna see Jesus?!". They laugh again and I decide to sit down on the bench next to us. "So what are you lot doing today?"

"Playing Hide N Seek Tig in the park."

"Everyone spread out, Director is it!". Everyone splits up, hiding in many different areas of yh park however Ash stays behind.

"You not playing Cutie?" She asks in her Tina voice. Ah I forgot! Daycare is having a day out to the park today. Woops. Aha, I said Matt instead of Director before. Ah well, I'm just going to refer to him as Matt now. It's not like he is a good Director anyways - he lets me take over.

"Nah, running around might make my headache worse."

"True, well imma keep checking on you. I don't like you missing out on things"

"Ok- Tina Watch out!". I quickly grabs Tina and pull her to the side and out of Matt's reach so she didn't get tagged.

"Thanks Cutie! Gotta go hide. Bye!" She runs off, hiding behind a tree to begin with but sneakily changing spots every so often.

"Wow Ryan." Matt comments.

"Hey, I'm just sat here. Might as well annoy you." I defend.

"Ugh Whatever."

"The trees are so pretty!" Tina says, looking at the Cherry Blossom Trees that outline the park.

"They are the oldest known living beings in this park" I joke and Matt accidentally walks into me as I stop walking to tie my shoe laces. "I was wrong" I add to my joke, quickly tying my laces and escaping before Matt could attack. Although my joke earned many laughs.

"you saying I'm old?!" He pretends to be really shocked and offended so I decide to continue with the joke.

"no. I'm saying you're very old because you are older than these trees". He goes to playfully shove me but I crouch down, moving to the side slightly. "Yeh, that don't work."


"Ahhh, The Wonders Of Reflexes"

"Biggie has amazing reflexes" Cookie comments. Unicron goes behind me to, I assume, give me a dead knee. It was very obvious but I pretend that it wasn't and act like I have extremely good reflexes.

I move to the side, quickly stepping behind Unicorn and giving him the dead knee. "Sisters don't lie."

"Ok, are you sure you haven't got powers?!" Unicorn asks, amazed.

I laugh, not deciding to say that I saw him. "yeh I'm sure"

"I'm still not convinced that reflex is not a power of yours. You must have the reflex power." Goldy says.

"There's no such thing."

"These discussions are weird and wonderful and I love em'." Tina inputs and I smile at her comment.

"Shall we go on a walk?" Matt asks

"Yeh Ok." We all say.

"Tina, Ryan, Unicorn Man, Goldy, Pup And me will go to the beach. You lot. Go wherever but be here in an hour."


"Any special occasions coming up?"

"Booty and Unicorn's wedding Matt! How could you forget that?" Ash informs Matt, returning to her normal voice.

"Booty?" I question. "Goldy I'm calling you Butt now! Haha! Thanks Tina.". Ash laughs whilst Goldy just rolls her eyes, shaking her head and unamused.

"Oh Great." She sarcastically cheers.

"Oh Yeh. They are getting married! When?" Matt asks.

"Weekend." Unicorn reminds us.

"Where at?"

"The Daycare because that is where we first met, we started dating and everyone's favourite place!"

"Well, I mean mine is ma bed. But ya' know." I input, earning a couple laughs.

"At this moment in time?" Ash asks.


"when are you and Tina getting married?" Matt asks, smirking.

I smile, a slight blush forming on my cheeks. "Oh shut up.". I try to mask my feelings for Ash with a laugh so they'll think my cheeks have gone red from laughing maybe?


"What?" Asks Unicorn.

"We are 15 minutes late!"

"Well let's get going!!" I say, quickly walking back to the meet up spot along with everyone else.

We spent so much time trying to figure out where to go and planning videos that time flew by and when we got to walking, time was almost up!

Hai! Sorry this chapter was so short. More exciting chapters are to come and yeh. Just bear with it. Also, loving the support on this book - thanks. It wasn't long ago that we reached 1K reads on this book and we are now on just over 1.5K. Thanks again! Love y'all! Bai xx

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