Proper Life Video

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Ryan's POV

"Cutie?" Tina's muffled voice is just about audible from outside the bathroom.

"Yeh?" I respond, splashing cold water onto my face.

"What are you doing?"

"Putting water on my face to wake me up. I didn't sleep last night. Why?".

"The boys have thought of the next challenge."

I dry my face and walk out of the bathroom. "Coming". I walk with Tina to the daycare room. "I was told by the lovely Tina that you have thought of the next challenge."

"Yep." Director says, smirking.

"Hit me with your worst. Not literally hit me." My comment makes Tina and her friends giggle.

"24 hours hand cuffed to Burt whilst doing 5 challenges."

"With Burt?!" My eyes widen.

Tina hugs me, not intending on letting go. "Not Burt!"

"We have to let proper life fans know you two are dating." Unicorn comments.

"And you and Goldy!" I add.

He shrugs. "I guess."

"Let's go film this video."

"Have you ever wondered what it's like to be hand cuffed to another person? Well I'm not gonna answer that for you. My two gracious volunteers Burt and Ryan are. They are going to be hand cuffed for the next 24 hours and do multiple challenges. But first! We have 2 announcements. Luke and Goldy are dating. But they don't matter as much. The bigger one is that Ryan now has a girlfriend in daycare!! Took you long enough" Zach says, smiling at the camera doing all sorts of weird hand actions.

I laugh. "it's that big of a deal?" I shout to him off camera.

"Yes. Now you two come on camera.". We do as said.

"Now prove that you're dating by a kiss!"

"Disculpa que?" (I'm sorry what?) Me and Tina are dating, not me and Ash. He knows that, what is he doing?

"You heard."

"every time." Ash says. I look over to her and she's blushing slightly. Probably thinking what I'm thinking: he crazy?!

"Well first of all it's Tina and Ryan that are dating. Not me and Ash so y'know. The only time I will kiss Ash is when she's Tina."

"He makes a point Zach"

"Aw." He sighs. "wait hold up! Ash, be Tina and Ryan you kiss Tina. Content. Done!"

"Um, ok? Ryan?" She seems uneasy. I look her in the eyes and nod, ensuring her it's ok which I think helped her. She coughs before smiling and changing role. "ok cutie" she says as Tina

I smile, shaking my head. "let's just get this over and done with." I quickly kiss her and Ash stops being Tina. Her face is very red. Does she.. like me? If she does then.. w-hey that's cool.

"Challenge Time!" Zach's loud announcement breaks me away from thought.

"I'm gonna fail at the challenges seeing as I'm right handed and my right hand is cuffed." I state, regretting letting the guys do this to me.

"Same here. I'm left handed and my left hand is cuffed." Says Burt. 

"I know you can do it Ryan!" Ash cheers from off camera.

I smile. "Thanks for the support Ash!"

A Youtube Ship || Tyan (Ryguyrocky X TinaTheTiger - Ash503)Where stories live. Discover now