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Hai! So this is going to consist of the entire of PAX. I'm going to make it 2 or 3 days long so the PAX thing doesn't go on forever - which is why it's all crammed into this longer chapter. Enjoy! Xx

Ryan's POV (still)

Barry walks offstage and into the audience with a microphone to select people to ask us questions. He stops near the front and holds the microphone near a young girl, "We'll start with you".

The little girl smiles and puts down her hand. She looks adorable. "My question is for Tina".

I nudge Ash and look at her and grin. She raises an eyebrow so I whisper what I mean, "your fans call you Tina not Ash. Cute". She smiles and nods.

"How did you get into gaming?" Asks the little girl. We all look at Ash.

"Um. Well everyone is looking at me. Pressure be like. Heh, anyway. Um, I got into gaming by watching others game, finding computer games to be fun and just got into it really. Gaming is not for everyone I suppose.".

The little girl nods and Barry moves back a few rows and moves to the other side where he holds the mic up to a young boy, "Hi." He waves, "my question is for Zuckles".

Instantly we all look at Zuckles and we all have the same look: a young kid watches your content Zuckles.

"Why are you, um how do I put this nicely? Um, why are you.. weird - the way you are?" The little kid asks.

Zuckles sits up, "I'm just stupid. I also have schizophrenia".

Jay instantly straightens himself up, "no you do not. You're saying that but you've not even gone to a doctor about it.".

"Nah I do mate".

I decide to chip in, "Zuckles, with my time of knowing you - 2 years - I can say that you don't have schizophrenia. You don't act like you have it at all".

"Thank you Ryan" says Jay as he leans back in the settee again.

Zuckles just shrugs and Barry moves onto another person. "Smii7y why are you a milk bag?" Asks someone dressed up in the audience.

"Well" Smii7y begins, "Milkbags are awesome!". Everyone laughs. Of course Smii7y  would say something like that. Classic I suppose you could say.

Barry comes to another dressed up audience member, "Ryan, you and Tina are shipped. Are you and Ash herself dating or are you in love with her or someone?".

I blush thinking of last night but look down to hide it, "W-Well".

"Look he's blushing!".

I look up again, "Shut up swagger. Um, well yes, uh, we are shipped but that's the characters. Tina isn't really a real person but to some extent she is I guess. As far as I know, we aren't dating"


"Swagger I swear to God. Anyway, do I love her or am I in love with someone? That's for my mind to know and, and for you lot and me to find out". The audience all 'ooo' at the last part. I know I've let them down so i thought, for fun, I'd add to it, "going to throw it out there though, for your satisfaction, we may or may not have had moment. Not saying any deets, sorry Ash I had to say it".

She giggles and it makes me blush more, "it's ok. They were going to find out one way or another". I hum and smile.

Barry's already at the next person, "how long have you and Jack been dating Dani?" Asks a girl.

"About, 3 or 4 years?".

"Cool" Says the girl as she smiles and sits back down as Barry moves on,

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