The Proposal

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Holy crud. Today was the day. Today was the day I was going to propose to Ash. A lot of planning went into this I can tell you that but thank god Cam and Toby helped me.

Right now, we are getting ready to go on a star lit date on the beach. Have a picnic. It will be then when I propose. Yes, I'm nervous as hell right now. Why wouldn't I be?

"Okay Cutie, I'm ready. Are you?" She shouts downstairs.

"Yeah! I have everything packed and ready to go."

"Good". Moments later, she comes down the stairs wearing a beautiful red dress with curled hair and great makeup. She looks stunning and I'm so so happy to call her mine.

We make our way down to the beach and sit near the sea, but not too near as we don't want everything to get wet.

The night sky above us is lit beautifully by the bright stars. The gentle, calm breeze is soothing and the air is cool yet warm, the perfect climate. We lay down a blanket and get the food out, placing it down neatly.

We laugh and joke and overall have an amazing time. I most definitely enjoyed our date and I hope Ash did too. "So, did you enjoy our date?" I ask, putting the left over food and empty plates back in the bag.

She hums and smiles. "Of course. It was magical. I loved it Ryan"

I smile, relieved. "First date a success!"

She giggles. "Hey, this is actually our first date. Even though Tina and Ryan have dated, they haven't been on a date. That's kind of weird when I think about it now"

"True that". We budge up next to each other, lying down and looking up at the countless starts and cuddling, just enjoying each others presence. For about half an hour, we lie there. Eventually, we get up and pack our stuff away to then begin a stroll along the beach. By now, it's 9 pm so it's late and dark but the stars light the sky enough to still see people near me and the things around me and on the ground. I decide that now is the best time to propose because we'll get to engaged in the conversation and loose track of time. Then I wouldn't be able to propose then would I? No, I wouldn't. I text Cam and Toby, who are nearby, to start recording. I asked them if they would go to the beach near the end of our date and record my proposal to Ash. They gladly agreed to do it and shouldn't be too far away. They are probably behind a tree or some bushes. Maybe even blending in with the small amount of civilians still on the beach. I think it's the last one.

We're about five minutes into our stroll and I pause, making Ash pause too. "Ryan? Why've we stopped?" She Asks.

"I just want to admire you and be grateful for having you in my life."

She smiles, blushing slightly. "Awe, that's sweet of you. I'm grateful for having you in my life too! And I get to admire you everyday, being obsessed Tina or just myself in general"

"Aw. This, uh, this brings me to something I've been meaning to ask you. I've just, not known how and needed lots of prep for. And some help"

"Oh? What would that be?"

"Well, What Do You see for us in the future?"

She ponders for a minute and hums. "I see a happy family with a great life and amazing friends. It'll all last forever". She turns to me and smiles, taking ahold of my hand.

This is my chance.

"I'd like to make that 'forever' a promise. Making it real.". I reach into my back pocket, pulling out a small box and get down on one knee. Ash gasps and covers her mouth. I lift up the lid of the box to reveal a ring I remember Ash pointing out and saying how she liked it. "Ashtyn Faith, will you marry me?".

There. I've done it. I've said it. No going back now and from the looks of it, all is going well.

She nods, happy tears rolling down her cheeks. "Yes Cutie, Yes I will" She manages to say. I smile, my smile being big and going from ear to ear if even possible. I take the ring out the box and slide it onto Ash's ring finger.

As I stand up, I pull her into a hug and lift her up, spinning her around. "I love you Ash"

"I love you too Ryan!". I place her back down and wipe away the tears and kiss her. I feel her melt into the kiss. The date was a success and so was the proposal. I'm the happiest man alive and I think I'm correct in saying that Ash is the happiest woman alive.

"Congratulations!" I hear Cam and Toby say. I look behind me and see them smiling and holding the camera.

"Thank you" we both say.

"Wait" Ash starts, "did you two know about this?". They both hum. "Oh my goodness".

We all laugh and exchange hugs. "They recorded the proposal too. It can be at the end of the montage we have prepared no?" I tell her.

"What a great idea!".

Cam hands me the camera and tells us that him and Toby best be off. We say goodbye and continue our stroll ok the beach, as happy as can be. It's around 11 pm when we eventually get home. And let me tell you, tonight could not have gone any better.

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