Moving Day

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"Ryan! Collins! Wake up!" I wake up to the loud voice of my mother shouting, telling us to get up. I grunt and turn over, opening my eyes slightly so I can look at the time - 4:30 AM.

Wow it's early.

Shortly after my mom shouting, Cookie shouts back at her, "Cookie! It's Cookie Mom!!".

I laugh. Man she's angry. Doesn't help that it's extremely early in the morning. Oh, by the way, that is my sister Cookie. Her actual name is Collins but she prefers Cookie because she loves cookies - like she's obsessed. Anyway, there's no point in me texting Ash as it's too early due to how late we got back and everyone else will have a hang over/be ill and be very tired because they went home after me and Ash.

I turn back over and look at Cookie - she has done nothing in response to mom but to be honest, neither have I, "Oi Collins! Get up!" I say loudly to interrupt her 'just 5 more minutes' sleep.

"It's Cookie Ryan! And you know how much it annoys me. I will rip you to shreds boy".

"Nah, you love me too much to do so. Plus, it's ok that I say it because I'm your older brother meaning I can call you what I want. Not really but I'm just saying it".

"Ugh. Anyway, you aren't up either so you can't say anything!". Um, she makes a point.

I jump out of bed and walk over to Cookie's bed, "Oh really?". I smirk at her and she just turns over and eventually gets out of bed.

We pack our suitcases and drag them down the stairs making the most noise possible. "Ryan, Collins! Do it carefully and it will be quieter" says my mom in attempt to quieten us down.

"I swear, if she calls me Collins one more time I will scream" Cookie mutters with annoyance in her voice.

I laugh and continue to go downstairs where I am greeted with a hug from my crawling baby sister Lydia - she's 6 months old and I'm her favourite. She also isn't fond of mom and dad but still loves them of course. I don't exactly know why she's not fond of them but as long she's happy then it's ok.

I pick up Lydia and carry her to the breakfast bar where there are 5 bowls of cereal laid out. I put Lydia in her high chair and place the bowl of cereal in front of her and she happily enjoys her breakfast.

Cookie arrives and sits next to me a few minutes later and takes a bowl of cereal and I take a bowl too. My older brother Tom joins us 5 minutes later accompanied by my twin brother - who I dislike with a passion can I just add because he is evil and for some reason really hates me and tries to kill me every so often but since mom caught him mid action, he's stopped. Heh, anyway! I instantly look at Cookie who nods back at me and makes sure that Rob - That's my twin's name - isn't next to me. Rob and Tom grab their bowls of cereal and sit down. I assume mom and dad have had theirs or are eating at the airport.

After 10 minutes or so, everyone has eaten up and is ready to go. Mom calls a taxi and within 5 minutes, it arrives outside our house. Basically all our furniture apart from the old beds, settees and the fitted kitchen and bathrooms have already been moved into our house so it's all there for us - my dad's friends placed all the furniture in our new house because we are in Texas.

We load our suitcases into the boot of this massive taxi. Well I say massive but it's just really big compared to your average size taxi. I'd say within around half an hour we arrived at the airport and I was on duty of pushing Lydia in her pram before and after our suitcases were placed on the conveyor belt being loaded onto the plane. Mom and dad were in control of the boarding passes and passports as well as keeping an eye on us, Cookie was on duty of keeping Rob away from me - and Lydia - and Tom, well Tom was accompanying us. He wasn't given a job to be honest but he made great conversation whilst we played the waiting game.

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