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Ryan's POV

"where are my notes?!" Unicorn Asks, getting angrier by the minute.

"what notes?" Tina asks, confused as am I.

He approaches my sister. "does your stupid brother have my notes?"

"No and He is not stupid!" She says.

"Guys!" I try to gain they're attention to get them to all shut up but nothing happens.

"Tina The Tiger! Where are my notes?!!" He moves onto Tina from Cookie.

"I don't have them!! Well. I don't now." She says truthfully.

"So You did have them?!"

"oh my god." I mutter, mentally face palming.

"she does have your notes." Goldy inputs, amused by Unicorn's anger.

"Booty!" Tina Exclaims.


"Look Unicorn Man! I don't have your stupid notes!"

"They are not stupid and you do have them!". Man, Unicorn sure is persistent.

"no i don't."

"Yes you do."

"Guys can we not fight?" I ask, despite no one hearing me.

"hand over the notes!"

"no! Got any proof that I have them?"


I cut him off. "- CHICOS! (Guys) EVERYONE LISTEN UP!!". This finally gets their attention and some gasp. "Stop fighting and sit down!!!". They do as they're told and listen, giving me a breather. "God, What is going on?! You're giving me a headache! Not literally."

"Sorry Cutie." Tina apologies.

"not your fault. What's going on?"

"Your stupid girlfriend took my notes!" Unicorn begins, anger already coursing throughout him.



Im about to shout again but I tell myself not to. "Calmante (calm) Ryan. Respira (breathe).". I take a deep breath, calming myself down before continuing. "Tina Did not take your notes."

"See! Cutie agrees." She says, smiling and happy because she was proven innocent in this event.

"Nor did Ash's brother, nor my sister. You've probably just lost them."

"Oh Yeh? We'll see about that" he says.

"Yeh. We will."

"Fine. I'm going back to my lab to make new, probably wrong, notes!"

"Yeh! Bye bye! Flush flush!" Says Tina as he leaves to go to his lab.

"Finally. My head can breathe" I state as I sit down.

"I don't have his notes."

"I do. Lol. I love winding him up and watching you have the blame." Goldy tells us, smirking.


"Can we not?" I ask, feeling a headache forming.


"NO! HAHA!" Goldy shout back as she begins to run away from Tina who starts to chase her.

"CHICAS!! (Guys)" I shout once more, standing up.

A Youtube Ship || Tyan (Ryguyrocky X TinaTheTiger - Ash503)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora