Just The Beginning

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"we're here." I state, the others groaning. "I know, this may not be pleasant but we got to catch them out doing something wrong. It's clear they're up to no good"

"For sure" Tom adds. "but let's not go in all skeptical like. They'd immediately think something is wrong with us. Stay on low and act normal. When we get to go upstairs, we'll create safe words and stuff so they don't know what we are talking about."

"Sounds like a plan"

"Ah, the old saying" says Cookie with a laugh.

"Not really said it for a bit. Should do that when me and you get back to daycare."


"Everyone got their things?" Tom asks and both me and Cookie nod. "good. Let's enter. Remember, don't act suspicious"


"Don't act suspicious" Cookie murmurs to herself as we approach the front door. When we get there, none of us seem to want to knock which I find funny.

I laugh. "great start". This makes the other two laugh and so I go ahead and knock.

Soon the door flings open and the female adult Stephanie welcomes us in with a smile and a hug for each of us. As much as I seriously want to reject the hug and ignore her, I don't - sticking to the plan - and I accept it.

I hated every minute of it.

"Welcome all, welcome all. How is everyone?" She Asks.

"Doing good"

"Alright" Tom responds and Cookie says nothing, not really liking this at the moment. As Steph goes and gets us all drinks, we settle down on the couch and I sit next to Cookie and give her a comforting hug.

"Hey it's going to be okay. We are uncomfortable too but we have each other. Remember, we have safe words and we are creating a plan. You'll be okay I promise"

"You sure biggie?" She Asks, uncertainty in her eyes.

"I'm absolutely sure.". I rest my hand in her knee so she feels safer when Steph returns and David appears.

"Hello kids. Nice to see you again. Hopefully we can put things right. Thank you for letting us try to fix things" Says David as he enters the room, plonking himself down on the couch opposite.

"No worries. We want to be a happy family like we were supposed to be once upon a time. We can't fix it if we don't chance it"

"You're absolutely right son"



I hate that he calls me son after they disowned me. They're acting like they never did. That's annoying the crap out of me and now I'm sure that something is up.

"How have you two been whilst we've been gone all these years?" Tom asks, starting a general conversation.

"Well" Steph starts, sitting down next to David. "It's been hard without Rob"

"I'd imagine so. He's the only who stayed with you two" Cookie comments.

"Yes, dear. Although what he has done and what he has been doing is horribly wrong, we still do miss him tremendously and it's been getting quite lonely without him."

"We have a eighth good laugh with him and he's the only thing left of our family. To see him gone brings sadness to the household really" David adds.

"Correct my love. How's life for you lot been?"

"Daycare has been great. Same old same old" Cookie answers. I badly want to go upstairs because it's clear Cookie doesn't like this one bit. I know she'll get trough it though. She is Cookie after all - And is my sister.

"Emily's starting primary school a week after we return home, Freddie is still a baby and can't do much. I have to go to daycare with Ash at some point because we haven't been in ages and yeah. Oh, we moved into our own house too"

"Oh congratulations!" They cheer. "How wonderful. And you Tom? You still with.. Matt is it?"

Tom hums. "Yes. We are still together and I couldn't wish for it any other way with him. Smiles everyday all day. We hope to move into our own apartment or house some time soon"

"That's lovely. Anyways, when do you lot want anything to eat?"

"I'll just eat when I'm hungry thanks"

"Same here" me and Cookie add in sync.

"Alright, you can go upstairs now"

"Okay". And with that, we stand up and he's upstairs into our room. Since being gone, the adults have moved into a smaller house. One that fits the the two of them and Rob. As well as a spare bedroom for guests - that would be us lot. Thankfully the room is decently sized so we fit in Okay. I'm on the bottom bunk bed whilst Cookie is on the top. Tom is in the single bed on the other side of the room.

We begin to unpack our stuff and put it away in the wardrobes. Then, we sit in a mini circle on the floor and place all the equipment we each brought in the middle of us.

I brought some cameras, stands, camouflage things to hide the cameras, batteries etc. Tom brought his laptop and recording equipment and go pros. Cookie brought clip on microphones, cover ups and some self defence things in case of emergancy - hopefully those won't be needed but you never know. You have to be prepared in this sort of situation.

"Okay, let's get thinking"

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