Fun And Games

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Ash's POV

"Let's prank Ryan." Matt says.

"Ok!" We all agree.

"Decorate the room in Christmas." I suggest.

"Yes!" Goes Cookie

"He loves Christmas though?" Matt questions.

"Trust us." I reassure him.

"imma call him now saying Derp is stuck in a gate. And we need his strong muscles to help?" He says, questioning his reason to call Ryan as he calls him.

"What? It's 2 in the morning. I'm sleeping." A sleepy Ryan answers the call with a cough.

"Kat went to get something she forgot yesterday and Derp has gotten his head stuck in a gate." He lies.

"and I'm needed for?"

"to help"

"I'm tired. I won't help"

"At least try and help!"

"Ok Ok. I'm coming God."

"thank you."

"Right. Bye." He coughs, ending the call. 

"he sounded ill."

"Hope he is Ok." I say, slightly worried.

"Hey-" Ryan cuts himself of when he notices all the Christmas decorations. He just stands in the doorway, looking confused. "what...the... Why?"

"Merry Christmas!" I shout making everyone laugh.

"Ok. The day we are filming todays video - which is today - is the 21st of November. Christmas starts on the 25th of November. It's not Christmas yet!" He makes his way over to us all with a small cough. Is he ok?

"You look adorable in glasses!" I point out, noticing he is wearing the glasses he used to wear years ago. Wonder why he put them on?

"For you anyway."

"Why are you wearing your glasses again?"

"Tired eyes. Too early for me and so I want to make sure I don't injure myself."


"Anyway, Everyone to the nap room and let's sleep.". He coughs. Again.

"Ryan? Are you ok?"

"I'm fine. Just got a cough from being disturbed. Cough cough Director cough cough"

I laugh, making my way upstairs with Ryan and the others to catch up on sleep.

Ryan's POV

"Welcome to another day of daycare!" I shout as I run inside. Man. Not done that intro for a while. "Hi everybody! Where's Tina?"

"Outside" they tell me and I question,

"Outside?". I go outside into the garden and sure enough, Tina is there. With Unicron and Goldy. In a makeshift campsite. And they're all on their phones. "What the heck? Tina? Tina, what's this?"

"oh Hi Cutie. Have you not heard of the new game?!" She asks, looking up from her phone and smiling.

"uh no? I've been on vacation?" I make up an excuse.

"Oh Right." She plays along. "Well it's the new mobile game called Camp pocket."

"I don't have it so I thought I'd do it in real life." Unicorn inputs. Makes sense now why there is a makeshift campsite.

"Right" I say, secretly destroying the camp.

"Who blew that up?!" Tina questions and I try to contain my laughter but I can't. "Ryan!!"

"What did I do?"

"I don't want to play Pocket Camp anymore!" Unicorn says, noticing his makeshift campsite is slowly being destroyed.

"Camp Pocket!!" Tina angrily corrects him - the anger will probably be from me destroying things. Heh. Lol.

"Camp Pocket then!"

"It's Camp Pocket because we don't want to get a copy strike!!"

"Crossing Animals?"

I laugh. "Yeh, Crossing Animals.". I recompose myself and head to the portal. "Anyway! Let's go play a game. Come on Tina, Unicorn, Matt. And I suppose Goldy"

"No." She says, still annoyed.

"Unicorn Man is gonna be there. And Goldy. Goldy. Unicorn Man, me AND Goldy..." I emphasise that Goldy will be with me without Tina being around and I think I got to her.

"Ugh! I'm coming!"

"3 2 1 GO!"

"Awe. Now it's between me and you Cutie." Says Tina after Unicorn dies - Goldy's been dead for some time now. She always does first.

"I know.".

"I don't want to have to fight you."

"Because you know you're not gonna win?" Unicorn asks with a laugh.

"Yeh I am.". It's silent for a few seconds until the victory screen pops up Infront on me. I won? But I didn't fight Tina yet. "Oh. Never mind". Tina begins to laugh a lot, making Unicorn - who was spectating her - laugh too.

"You were saying?"

"Oh Ok. What just happened?" I ask, getting another game ready.

"Well," Unicorn begins but Tina decides to tell me, breaking character a lot from laughing too much.

"I went to jump but I-I didn't- and fell off"

"and you just didn't."

"Yeh" she starts to laugh more if it was even possible.

"Right Ok. I'll just get another game going" I chuckle, starting the game.

"Sorry, I have to break character." She tells me, now in her actual voice.

I statt to laugh too at this point. "it's ok. It's ok Ash. Tina can take her time to come back."

"Now the kids won't believe that Tina is psycho path"

"You Are." Unicorn reassures her.

"all kids have found out that you aren't a psycho path like they are made to believe."

"Cut this part out." She tells me inbetween giggles.

"no. Why should I?". All she does is laugh more, unable to answer. it's ok. Tina can take her time coming back.

"Ok." She takes a minute or two to calm down and have a breather, shortly returning to her role as Tina once more. "Phew. Ok. I'm Ok now. Jeez."

So sorry this one is so short! It's kind of a filler chapter because this past week has been busy and the upcoming week will be busy too. I'll try to prepare as many chapters as I can. Again, sorry for how short it is and for the lack of chapters. Hate giving you guys short or no chapters. Bai xx

A Youtube Ship || Tyan (Ryguyrocky X TinaTheTiger - Ash503)Where stories live. Discover now