Sour Warhead Challenge

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It's been a week now and I'm feeling much better. With a smile on my face and feeling very cheerful, I enter the main daycare room with a wave. "Hello people. Hi Tina!"

"Hi Ryan." Welcomes Tina followed by everyone else saying hi.

"Today- eh I don't care what you do today." Director shrugs and heads off into his office leaving us to do whatever. We all cheer and scatter, doing our own things.

Me and Tina head up to the top floor and run around, chasing each other, cuddling, and kissing - ending up in the nap room

Tina giggles. I laugh as well before hugging her and kissing the top of her head. "You're red in the face!" She points out.

"Your hair!" I brush her hair out of her face, sorting it out.

"thank you."

"no problem.". I notice a few strands of hair falling in front of my face so I turn my head, doing a hair flip to clear my face from my hair. 

"Hair flip!"

I laugh. "it's the way of my hair, it gets in my face a lot."

"But it's cute!"

"But it gets annoying"

"can we do a Spider-Man Kiss?"

Quite the odd request but  I'm sure I can do something of the sort  "I'm not Spider-Man myself but I can climb". I use a few things in the wall to help me climb up to a convenient beam, hanging from it upside down. Tina walks over to me and we kiss. Not gonna lie but it's definitely weird kissing like that. I prefer the normal way thanks.

Tina giggles and our fun ends when Director finds us. "Guys. Um, Ryan?"

At this point, I'm still hanging upside down and me and Tina are really close. "Um. Not the best time to walk in."


I sigh, getting down from the beam. "straight to conclusion. Really?"

"Ok. I'll see you in the daycare room."

"Bye!" He leaves and I turn to Tina. "Ok I have a challenge. I'm going to walk to the playroom in bridge and you can sit cross legged on my stomach or something"


"did you just walk down two flights of stairs in crab with Tina sat on you?" Asks Director as we enter the daycare room.

"Yep... it's a work out. Ok Tina. I'm losing circulation here."

"Ok". She carefully gets off, allowing me to stand up.

"I'm red in the face aren't I." I ask realising that I've been upside down - technically.

"Yep." Answers Cookie.

"Anyway, Director, what do you want?"

"Tonight me, you, Tina, and Unicorn Man all Skype. We make it live to the daycare only."

"Cool. Wait! I'm not doing-am I?" I remember the others mention a sour candy challenge a while back and I think they're referring to it right now. Great.

"Yep!" Says Director with a cheeky smirk.

"I'm gonna die. Let's get this over with. Bye guys"

"Bye!" They all say as me and Tina head to mine.


"Let's Do this" exclaims Director on the Skype call.

A Youtube Ship || Tyan (Ryguyrocky X TinaTheTiger - Ash503)Where stories live. Discover now