The Daycare's On Fire || Ryan Dies ?!

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A week later

Y'know, so I'm just whistling as I make my way to the daycare when I notice smoke floating in the sky coming from the direction of the daycare.

Picking up my pace, I end up at the daycare earlier than I intended to be there when I left my home, however, the building is on fire. It's on fire. All my friends, Director, my sister and Tina/Ash are inside. It's started in the tower so no one knows about the fire I'm assuming. It's spreading quick and the tower could collapse soon.

I run inside into the daycare room, shouting so they can all hear me. "Guys! Get out! The tower is in flames! Where's Tina?"

"She is sleeping in the nap room upstairs. The alarm should wake her up let's go!" Director informs me as everyone panics and runs outside.

"Are you crazy?! You can't just leave her! Call people and make sure everyone else is alright."

He reluctantly gives in. "Fine." He goes outside with everyone else and starts making phone calls where as I run up to the nap room to get Tina.

"Tina?! Where are you?!"

I hear her faint cough. "Here Cutie!"I take off my oxygen mask i out on before coming up here, and put it on Tina, carrying her downstairs.

"the flames are coming quick."

"Ryan! Are you ok?"

"I'll be Ok." As I say that I cough, defining my statement.

"where are they?" I hear Director ask.

"They are possibly dead." An unknown voice suggests.

"Not our leader and not the knife squad leader." Goldy complains. Since when did her character care about Tina? Well I suppose this is an actual fire so yeah.

"knife squad?"



"Jeez. We can't lose them." Director mutters. At that moment, I come running outside with Tina. "Guys! You're ok!"

"Young man, where is your mask?" The unknown voice asks me. Turns out he's just a fireman.

I cough and smile weakly. "Igave it to Tina so she would be safe.."

"You didn't have too" Tina whispers to me.

"yes I did."

"you actually pronounced the S this time." Director cheers.

I state at him blantantly. "it's a word Matt. I mean Director." I put Tina down.

"Oh well."

All of a sudden I feel something overwhelm me and all I can do is call to my knees. I can't support myself any longer and I cough, not being able to do it. Cookie and Kat catch me and Director runs over to me, letting me lean on him.

"Ryan!" Ash is no longer playing Tina and she kneels beside me.

I close my eyes. When i ooen them, its completely dark. What happened? What is happening? "It's dark, is it night time?" I ask, trying to figure this all out.

There's silence for a bit and slight movement. "Yes. It is night time. In your world at least"

In my world? what? "Oh... it's cold, is it winter or snowing."

"um. Yes. Yes it is." I feel arms wrap around me and I know it's Ash. Her Hugs are the best and this one is great so I know it's her. "don't worry." My heart starts to slow down and I'm finding it hard to breathe.

Ash's POV (apologies for the upcoming time skips)

He stops breathing. "Ryan?!"

"Step away" says a paramedic. One of the firemen or the others must have called one.

We do as told and Ryan is taken away. All we were told is to not worry and everything will be fine.

"Strange news everybody" announces a doctor, walking into the daycare room.

I look up and stare at him. "What?"

"Ryan is breathing but is dead. We know he is dead because his blood has stopped circulating yet his blood hasn't gone down to his legs and made them black and swollen."

"What does that mean?" Director asks.

"it means that Ryan has a possibility of being alive."

Althoufh i should be really happy, all I do is sigh. "That's great and all but he's not come alive for a month."

"You-you make a valid point. I'll shall go now.". He does so.

"He never got a good goodbye" tears roll down my cheeks as I realise this. It's been three months since he's been gone and it's hard to take in.

"Girl, don't you cry. You'll make me cry because we all miss him." Cookie says, hugging me.

"i really miss him..."

"Awe. We all do." Says Director

"that's ok to miss him." Cookie tells me, smiling.

"Ryan will be missing you too."

"That's right big boi." I hear Ryan's voice but I don't think it's him.

"I think we are all hallucinating Ryan's voice because he always butts in at these moments.". Guess I'm not the only one who heard.

"Yeh..." I agree with him

"Matt are you dumb?" We hear Ryan's voice again.

"That's Ryan."I look up, smiling widely.

"Ryan's my name, surprises are my game."

"I'm stupid." Director face palms.

"Nice to meet you Stupid. I'm Dad." Ryan's comment sends us all into laughter.

"Cutie I missed you so much!" I state, running up to him and hugging him. He hugs me back and I snuggle into him. Oh how I'm so glad he's alive again!

"Awe." He says.

"Awe, What a Cutie." Cookie comments.

"He's all 2D. But if need be he'll kick your booty like Bruce Lee. Leave you with a bruised knee so you better sit down! Soz I didn't mean to shout that was a bit loud."

"who am I rapping about?"

"Yeh it's life of red"

"who am I rapping about?"

"The idiot over there" he points to Director who frowns, looking unimpressed. "I've missed being alive."

"I've missed you!" I repeat.

"how are you alive?" Cookie asks.

"The daycare got rebuilt and as the portal didn't get burnt or destroyed, I could stay alive. If non of that happened I would be dead dead."


"Well Bye Guys! Got to do stuff since I've been out for so long"

"Bye Ryan!" We all say, smiling and waving to him.

"Bye Cutie!" I shout to him.

I hear him respond but it's a little quiet considering he's in another room. "Bye Tina!"

A Youtube Ship || Tyan (Ryguyrocky X TinaTheTiger - Ash503)Where stories live. Discover now