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Byeol waked up on her bed with her comfy blanket over her body. She looked outside the window and it was already bright. Maybe afternoon.

"What happened to me?"

Byeol asked herself and her mind worked for an answer. She sat and had a satisfying stretch. She felt so fresh. All her fatigue and exhaustion from yesterday seemed already gone.

Without hesitation, Byeol quickly got out from the bed and searched for her samchul downstairs.

"Yoongi samchul!" Byeol shouted and walked into the kitchen. Yoongi was there, eating his meal.

"Oh, Byeol! So glad you're awake!" He said happily with his mouth full.

Byeol flashed a broad smile and grabbed herself a cup of water.

"You feel better now?" Yoongi asked while preparing lunch for Byeol.

"Yes. I feel really good!" Byeol grinned. "What happened to me by the way?" She asked before gulping the whole water in the cup.

"You fainted while going upstairs, yesterday after you were home. You caught cold too. Then, you slept for 17 hours." Yoongi said while put a bowl of rice in front of Byeol. "I'm glad you had a good rest."

"Wow. 17 hours for real?" Byeol was surprised by that. "Now I know why I am really energetic now." She chuckled.

"Here. Eat a lot." Yoongi passed her the chopsticks and quickly Byeol dig in.


Byeol threw herself on her bed after the lovely lunch. She took a deep breath and took a moment of silence spacing out in a bit. Then, something came to her mind.


She quickly got up and literally run to the living room for her samchul.

"Samchul! Samchul!"

"Before I passed out yesterday... you said something about Jungkook. What is it?"

"Oh.. wait... you really didn't realise anything?"

"What?" She stuttered. Suddenly nervous.

"For the whole night, Jungkook at your side accompanied you."

Fuck! Is that for real?!! Asdfghjkl

Byeol was in total silence.

"I invited him for dinner last night as there's a lot of leftovers. He then slept over as soon as he knew you caught fever." Yoongi continued.

"'re not lying, right?" Byeol really had trust issues with everyone.

"Yah...what did I get if I lie to you?" Yoongi hissed.

"Then, where is he now?" Byeol tried to hide her excitement.

"After breakfast he left. He said he had something to do in Seoul."

"Give me his phone number." She literally insisted.

"I don't think I remember to get it from him." Yoongi seemed to be annoyed with his niece.

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