365 17 2

T/w: violence, blood (i swear this chapter will be the last with tw)

"Kwon Hoshi... s..s...stop...."

Jungkook barely see anything. His sight was blurry than ever. Either his head was hit hardly or the blood from his head entered his eyes, he didn't have any idea about his condition that time. He couldn't move his legs anymore. His arms felt numb. His head was he hurt the most. He was dying at the corner with his upper body leaned against the wall.

"I will. But you need to die first."

Hoshi smirked eventhough Jungkook couldn't even see that. He held the baseball bat firmly with his both hands. His minions were all at his behind, laughing in amusement seeing Jungkook who almost lost his life. Some of them were severely injured while fighting with Jungkook earlier. Jungkook obviously stronger than them, but to fight one to five is really a big deal. They even had weapon or at least something metal with them to attack.

"Last wish?" Hoshi asked before ready to attack.

Jungkook only groaned in pain. He couldn't do much. Blood oozed out from the injuries on the top of his head, arms, abdomen and legs. It must be from the sharp metals that scratched his skin that Hoshi's minion brought along.

"No wish? Okay then."

The baseball bat last hit really could take Jungkook life away. Jungkook already shut his eyes. He felt helpless and ready to give up living. Everything was too tiring.


"It's police! Dropped your weapon!"

"Oh, F*CK!"


Byeol was the last who came to crime scene. It was less chaotic than an hour ago. Hoshi and his boys already brought away to the police station. Byeol saw his boyfriend in handcuff as soon as she arrived. She was froze for awhile and zoned out thinking all of the good acting from Hoshi all this while. She sighed and regretting everything.

She took some steps ahead. She saw Jungkook's imo already crying hardly at the corner in her husband's embrace. Walking to them, she found out why she should cried hardly too.

Jungkook was there, lying helplessly on the ground miserably with blood at each part of his body.

Byeol was shaking inside, almost cried.

"Jeon..Jeon Jungkook..."

Byeol fell on her knees. The paramedics who handled Jungkook distracting the clear view. She saw the boys not far than her. They were sobbing too.

It was really not a scene to be remembered.


*3 days later

Jungkook's eyes felt heavy and he struggled to open it up.

Hospital ceiling and himself wearing hospital uniform were the first he saw. He sighed. Disappointed about the fact that he still alive. He didn't bother to move his legs or his arms. He didn't expect his limb working fine after that night.

He was not alone in the room. His samchul sat on the chair at the side of his bed, sleeping soundly.

"Kook-ah, you awake?"

From nowhere, his imo barged into the scene and also woke her husband up.

Jungkook flashed a plain smile and nodded in a bit.

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