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"It's been awhile, Jeon-ah."

Byeol put the crutches in Jungkook's hand and he just held it tight with head hanging low.

"Thanks." Jungkook didn't even look at her. Crashing his nails on the metal sticks repeatedly while thinking non stop.

The awkwardness was wild than ever both were fighting with their inner self to speak something.

"Are you feeling better?" Byeol tried first.

"Well, as you can see now." Jungkook slightly smiled.

Again, awkward silence.

"Byeol-ah, why did you do that?" Jungkook asked in sudden with a random question.

"Uh? Do what?" Byeol was flustered.

"You've been here since the first day I'm awake, watching me from afar. Why you didn't even show up in front of me?" Jungkook slowly lifted his head.

Byeol was startled with that question. Jungkook was right. Everyday she came to the hospital. Watching Jungkook from afar and only came into the room when Jungkook was sleeping. She also always followed him if Jungkook was going anywhere with the crutches.

" did you know? I'm caught." Byeol bit her lower lip. Smiled in a bit.

"Maybe I like you too much. Even I could sense your existence in a meter away." Jungkook looked up to the bright blue sky. He sighed. "One sided love is too hard. I miss you so much but you didn't even want to see me. I need to bear with it, right?"

"Jeon-ah.. It's not like that."

Jungkook gave her a painful smile. "It's okay. I understand. Love is not all about liking each other."

Byeol was really angry. Jungkook made her as a bad girl. She was suffering too.

"Jeon Jungkook! You're not understand anything. You suffered a lot because of me. I only remind you about Hoshi. How can I appeared in front of you freely? I only can hurt you." She almost shouted.

Jungkook chuckled in response. "Why do you care that you would hurt me? I am no one to you... You don't even like me back."

"Yah, Jeon, we're still best friends!"

It made Jungkook startled. His lips curled a smirk.

"Really? Isn't it you're the one who said that there's nothing between us? What I understand is that, we're not best friends anymore? Even friend. Right?"

"Yah... About that.." Someone was showered in guilt.

"You hurt me too much already. But I still like you. So much. It's really funny." Jungkook said as it was nothing but he was torn apart inside.

Byeol pursed her lips, holding back her tears.

"Then, you should stop. Stop liking me and stop hurting yourself." Byeol looked into his eyes.

Jungkook couldn't say a word as their eyes locked. Byeol than continued.

"I heard you want to go somewhere far away. Just go. Take your time. Heal yourself. Only comeback when nothing can hurt you again. I will wait for you."

Byeol gave him a genuine smile after all.

Jungkook wanted to disagree but he couldn't. Byeol was right. He needs time for himself the most right now.

"You promise?"

"Yes." Byeol nodded.

"Alright then, I hope you didn't regret it later. You're the one who tell me to leave."

Jungkook flashed a smile before he stood with his crutches. He managed to walk away and leave to his room.


Byeol shouted for him after Jungkook left for several steps.

"I promise, I will wait for you!"

Jungkook just nodded and continued walking away without turning back.

And that's the last time they see each other.


6 years later

(refer prologue *wink)
*Byeol POV

'Jeon Jungkook, is that you?'


I was panting hard.

Sh*t. It was just a dream.

I looked around and tried to process what did I see.

I still in the library and I could see some students still studying. I accidentally sleep in the middle of my reading. I quickly shut the book, luckily my saliva didn't drop there.

I settled down, keeping the books and packing up.


There were a lot of vacant seat in the bus by this hour. I chose to sit after the window and leaned my head against the glass.

I sighed.

I still remembered Jungkook's smile from the dream.

A smile that I used to see every morning.
A smile that made me secretly happy.
A smile that warm my heart.
A smile that I used to take for granted before.

I just miss him.

So much.


Nothing had happened before I reached home. The dream really made me delusional.

I walked passed by Jungkook's house. Dark and empty as my heart.

What did I expect?

I sighed and directly to my home. Before reaching the door, I gave a glance to my left and I saw my old bicycle and Jungkook's there too.
(I brought his there because why not? I just really miss him)

I didn't cycle anymore. Since he left. It's no fun to cycle without him.


I stepped into my room. Throwing everything onto my bed and walked to my study table. I pulled the curtain up.

A view of Jungkook waving at me with his idiot smile lingering my mind. But the reality was just too bitter. His room was dark and there was no curtain there anymore.

I sat on the chair, facing the window. I rested my head on the table. Staring at the empty room lifelessly.

Jeon-ah, you will come back, right?

I am keeping my promise and waiting for you.

It's been 6 years.

You're not forgetting me, right?

I slowly closed my eyes. Thinking of him before completely sleep. Hoping that he will be there tomorrow.

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