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T/W: Violence

"Yura, call Mr. Yoongi. He is in the staff room."  I thought too much and that was the only thing that I could act. Mr. Yoongi is the disciplinary teacher (also my mom's younger brother) who really know how to handle the seniors. I could only think of that.

"Yah.. why you..." Yura was not okay with that.

"Please, go!" I risen my voice which means I am serious.


I am maybe out of sense. Kim Junmyeon. People call him the great Junmyeon. Who in the school dare to challenge him? But something that happened between us in the past gave me some courage.

I saw the crowd at the end of the hallway. The other students managed to only look from afar, whispering to each other and taking photos. Yeah, no one could get over his rage. He was also with his gang. No one could bother but there was me walking to them confidently. Then stopped at some distance. Just to make sure what actually happened.

"Yah, idiot! Apology! Now!"

Junmyeon yelled and the atmosphere was damn cold and tensed. I could see Jungkook leaning against the wall with unbuttoned shirt (he wore a plain white tee inside) and full of sweat.

Jungkook didn't say anything except his killing annoying smirk. 

"Yah!!! Do it while I am being nice!"

Junmyeon clenched his teeth. His three friends smiled evilly behind him. Waiting their time to take over the scene.

"What? You call this being nice?" Jungkook laughed and he really put the oil into the fire.

A punch 🤛 met Jungkook's face. But he was still smiling like an idiot to show how he didn't want to lose.

"Time's up." Junmyeon smiled evilly and did some gestures by his hand to tell his friends to finish him up.

They walked closer to him and that was the time when I thought I could lose my breath. It was suffocating.

"Yah! Stop!" I shouted. I am also shocked with my own high pitch voice. I gave Jungkook a glance but he turned his head away. "Stop, Kim Junmyeon."

"Woah, Kim Byeol. Long time no see." Junmyeon smiled at me excitedly. He turned his gaze to Jungkook. "Yah, idiot! You know her?"

I gave him a convincing stare and the others also looked at him waiting for the answer. He hesitated.

"I'm not really sure." He answered while holding back his pain. With that distance I came to realise that his lips were bleeding.

"Yah Kim Byeol. Do you really like to protect whoever? Go get a life." His wingman, Kim Minseok yelled at me.

I snorted, acting cool. "This is not the way to settle problems. 4 to 1? What an unfair fight. Where's your pride?" Well, I tried something only to be ignored and they even threw a disgust face.

"Ignore her. Proceed." Junmyeon rolled his eyes and ordered his boys to continue whatever they want to do.

Hearing that, Kim Jongdae even kicked Jungkook's knee made him kneeling.

"Yah! I told you to stop!" I shouted again even I know they will not stopped by me. Just where was Yura? Why she's taking a lot of time to call the disciplinary teacher.

They really ignoring me and his another wingman, Kim Jongin already grabbed his collar, with a knuckle ready to shoot.

Yahhhhh those Kim Brothers made me mad. They really didn't learn from the past! I took a deep breath, a death stare for them. They forgot how much I know about them.

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