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T/w: mention of violence

"Jungkook-ah, you okay?"

Jungkook snapped out. He then realised that he since then staring blankly at his bicycle. He turned and saw Namjoon and the others.

"Oh, hey guys.." Jungkook acted normal, like nothing happened. "I thought you guys already back home." He smiled awkwardly.

"Let's hang out shall we?" Jimin tried to lift up the mood.

"Let's go. A movie could be nice too." Taehyung suggested.

"Join us, Jungkook-ah." Hoseok already pulled his arm.

"Uh? It's okay." Jungkook refused, snatched his arm away from Hoseok. "I wanna go home. Let's have it next time." Throwing another plain smile, he quickly hopped onto his bicycle and cycled away.

"He is obviously not okay." Namjoon sighed.

"So, we just gonna let him be, huh?" Hoseok asked.

"You wanna fight Hoshi?" Jimin added. "He even win over Jungkook. We can't do anything."

"I know right. I hope Jungkook will be fine then." Taehyung commented and then all of them drifted in their own thoughts, silence.


Jungkook saw Byeol through the window that night. Byeol was on the phone, smiling and laughing in between. She seemed to have an enjoyable chat.

Hurting much, he let down the curtain. Byeol's word from last time was like stabbing his heart.

End the friendship?
It was like a nightmare.

He couldn't imagine how his life would be without Byeol. He still managed to be fine if Byeol didn't reciprocate his feelings. It just a matter of heart. It's his feelings so he only responsible to take care his.

Revenge or Byeol?

Jungkook threw his body on his bed and staring blankly at the ceiling. What had happened today since morning was played in his mind. Too much things happened and his energy was drained out.

His plan was ruined. Namjoon was right. He basically played with fire and he almost burned. Luckily, the seniors weren't caught by the teacher, so that he didn't feel much guilty. His plan should trigger Hoshi and made him show the true himself in public. But Hoshi won this game for now. He even manipulated Byeol and now Byeol totally thinks that he was mad and crazy for revenge.

What should I do now?

Jungkook sighed again and suddenly,

*knock knock

"Come in." He stared at the door and he saw his imo.

"Oh, imo!." Jungkook quickly sat up straight. He smiled hiding his worries.

"Here. Hot choco." His imo handing him a mug and she got one too.

"Thanks." He took a sip and then the awkward silence filling the room.

"'s school today?" Just a cliche question, that the middle age woman tried to break the ice.

Jungkook could smell something. "I believe that was not what you wanted to know. You know you're being weird, right?"

"Omo, I got caught." His imo laughed. "Well, nothing much to know actually. I just wanted to know either my beloved nephew is doing well or not." She ruffled Jungkook's hair. "Are you okay? You didn't even touch your dinner. And here, your gloomy face is obvious also I heard you sighing." Her motherly eyes sparkled.

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