361 17 3

T/w: violence

Jungkook sent Jaejin to the bus station and both of them bid a goodbye.

Later, Jungkook didn't straighly home. It was still early and Jungkook managed to go stay at the greenhill watching the sunset while clearing up his mind.

The breeze that evening was blowing hard and harshly brushed his skin. Deep in his heart he wanted the wind to blow away his problems too. Closing his eyes and took a deep breath, the serene of that place soothed his mind. He finally could think and came up with a decision.


'Byeolieee~ come here-GREENHILL!'

Jungkook sent a text messages to Byeol. He made up a decision and this meeting would be his last chance of changing everything.

If Byeol came, he would stay. If not, he will go.

Byeol is the last reason why he should stay. If Byeol thinking of dump him away, he couldn't do a thing but leave.


Byeol replied less that a minute. Short yet sharp. Without thinking much, Jungkook literally begged.

'Lie. I know you don't have taekwondo class today.'

'I already have plan.'

'Cancel that plan for me. I will treat you chicken.'

'Stop making me fat!'

'I miss you.'

Jungkook was being too random and it somehow really sincere. He just miss his star and nothing more.

Since he sent that, Byeol didn't respond and it almost an hour passed. Jungkook sighed. Byeol really didn't come.

"Byeol, please come. I don't want to leave you."


That night, Jungkook already made up his decision and after dinner he voiced it out to his imo and samchul.

"Let's go back to Seoul."

The middle age couple seemed shock hearing that. A bit flustered but they didn't comment anything yet and wanted to hear their nephew explanation first.

"Well, initially we moved here for my sake. You want me to recover and yeah, I think I am okay now. I am really fine."

Jungkook took a deep breath and continued,

"Also, it will be easier for you two go to work and look after me. I want to restart my life there. New Seoul Jeon Jungkook." His face was really convincing.

"It's really a surprise though. You really think this decision is the best?" His imo asking just because and Jungkook nodded without hesitation. She then nodded. "Okay, then. I agree. Honey?" She turned to her husband.

That man took a deep breath. "If both of you say so. Let's do it. Anything for you." He then took his phone checking his schedule. "How about next month?"

His imo nodded and agree while Jungkook then quickly suggested.

"Next week. I want it next week. Sooner the better."

That both adult realised Jungkook was acting suspiciously. They could smell something wrong with their nephew.

"Jungkook-ah, is this moving stuff related to your problem recently?" His imo directly asked.

Jungkook bit his lower lip and sighed. "Yes." He stuttered.

"Jungkook, you better tell us if it is that serious." His samchul added.

"It's just...." Jungkook still in between wether to tell or not. And then, he decided to not.

"It's serious but I refuse to tell. And even if I tell about it, you guys will suggest to move tomorrow or maybe out of this country." He was exaggerating but it was damn true.

The adults were wearing their worry face. They felt guilty too.

"So, by moving, everything will be settle?" His samchul made a conclusion.

Jungkook nodded. "I don't know the others but at least I don't need to worry anymore."

"Jungkook-ah, you make us worried.." his imo commented.

"I am sorry. I didn't meant to. Really sorry." Jungkook hung his head low. Showered with guilt.

"It's not your fault, Kook-ah." His samchul comforted him. "We will move and end everything here. As you said, next week."


"Thanks, Mrs Han. I'll go first."

Jungkook stood and bowed to his homeroom teacher. He sighed a relief after telling her his moving plans.

"Okay. Study well." Mrs Han nodded before looking at her student stepped out from the staff room.


"Follow me."

Jungkook travelled back to reality. He who spaced out since leaving the staff room snapped. He turned to the voice owner.


Hoshi minion glared at him and probably waiting for him to drag his feet.

"Yah..I don't want to..." Jungkook refused and wanted to escape.

"No choice. Just fucking follow!" Mingyu grabbed his arm and squeezed it hard. A force.

Jungkook snatched his arm away and sighed.

Hoping that he will not killed today.


"Look here. Someone is planning to move to Seoul."

Jungkook couldn't help to not feel like wanted to throw a fist when Hoshi was talking. Even his sighs are annoying.

"Why? Want to follow me again?" Jungkook crossed his arms, smirking. "Are you even dare to back to Seoul? You're treated like a stray dog there."

Hoshi rolled his eyes while clenched his teeth. "Leave as you want. I have Byeol by the way. You're not worried?"

"Byeol? She is smarter than you think. As soon as I move, she will find out the true reason why I move and of course finding out your demon side. Less than a month maybe she will follow me too." Jungkook spoke arrogantly yet he didn't really sure either Byeol will respond like what he said or not.

"You're a big talker, Jeon Jungkook. Never change." Hoshi was pissed off.

"That's all you wanted to say? I want to leave. Seeing you make me feel sick." Jungkook's smirk turned wilder and annoyed Hoshi.

"Yah! You think you already fucking win?! Dream on!" Hoshi grabbed Jungkook by his collar. With his glaring, he whispered. "I will make you regret being rude to me."

Jungkook laughed and pushed him away. "Okay, I will wait. See ya!" He turned and walked away from that hidden place leaving Hoshi and then his minion Mingyu and Seokmin came.

"Jaejin. Let's kill Jaejin first."


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