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Jungkook sighed as his imo told him that they will back home on Monday. He just freaking missed Byeol.

He managed to gave Byeol a call.

Only to get the disappointing voice answered him.

"The number you've dialled couldn't be reached at this time. Please try again later."

Jungkook sighed.

What are you doing now? I miss you.


"Omma, I'll get going!" Byeol informed her mother before going to school.

She took a glance at Jungkook's house. She sighed for a while and get going. Cycling to school alone.


Byeol's day never be that gloomy. She felt alone actually and newly realised that she only has a friend in her high school years. It was saddening but couldn't be helped.

The school bell newly rang as a sign that the class will start at any time. Byeol buried her face into the random page of her literature text book.

Hoping that the day will end fast.


Jihyo, the class president commanded her classmates as their homeroom teacher stepped in for daily attendance check.

Mr. Seokjin stepped in with his beautiful aura. His wide shoulder and sharp jaw line were perfect as always. His face was glowing this morning, captivating everyone's eyes also as always. This youngest teacher of the school never had ugly image after all. Everything from him are beautiful and pretty.

'Mr Seokjin..why you even be a teacher with that amazing face.'

Byeol mumbled softly. Wondering hard.

"Good morning. A new week and I hope you are getting that new spirit too." He smiled, motivated everyone in the class.

"Sure!" The students answered excitedly but not Byeol. She propped her head with her hand and scribbled some meaningless words on the book emotionlessly.

" I get you guys a surprise." Mr Seokjin still smiling while all the students except Byeol giving full attention.

Mr Seokjin turned his head to the door. He nodded and turned his head back to the class. "You've got a new friend."

The whole class totally anticipating it but then there was Byeol who still didn't care.

"Hello. My name is Kwon Hoshi. Nice to meet you."

Byeol's busy hand suddenly froze. Such a familiar voice after all.

She lifted her head at last. Her jaw dropped.

The earphone boy!


"Hi, finally...the time has came."

Hoshi's sweet smile made Byeol's heart in chaos. He sat after her on the bench that facing the school's basketball court during recess. The atmosphere was awkward but both of them didn't hesitated to talk to each other.

"You're not stalking me, right?" Byeol suddenly asked out of her nervousness.

"Well, I am not sure. I thought you're stalking me." Hoshi shrugged and chuckled in a bit.

"Yah... I am not." Byeol whined as denial.

Hoshi turned his body to Byeol. "I am really happy to see you. We're classmates now." His face was full with happiness.

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