367 18 6

T/w: hit and run accident

Jungkook waked up early that day. The sky outside was still dark and Jungkook sighed realising that the sun still not made its way up.

He tried to shut his eyes and back to sleep.

But he couldn't.

He got up and his eyes stopped at the window.

He sighed again.


"Jungkook-ah! Wake up-" 

"I already am.." Jungkook pulled open the door from inside while his another hand holding the towel.

"Wow. You already washed up. Good. Come downstairs then, breakfast is ready." His imo checking up his wet hair before leave with a satisfied face.


Jungkook ate extremely slow and his samchul realised that.

"Are you sad to leave?" Just a random question blurted out yet Jungkook was affected.

"Ah..a bit." He lied. Smiled awkwardly. "Where's imo, by the way?" He managed to change the topic before he could say or react anything he should not.

"Taking phone call. I wonder what's taking so long.." he samchul complained while eating.

"It's done, I think." Jungkook said as he saw his imo approaching from the living room.

"What with that face, honey?" His samchul asked as his imo took the seat with a sigh and a long face.

"Just now, Jaejin's mom called me. She cancelled our meeting this morning." She informed.

"So suddenly? Isn't it the project needed to be settled by tomorrow?"

"She's at hospital now. Taking care his son, a hit and run victim."

"Oh, so unfortunate."

"Jaejin still in comma. Poor thing."

"Let's pay a visit later, then."

Jungkook heard everything and still froze there. Speechless.

"Wait, imo, samchul. Did you guys are talking about Jaejin whom I know?" He asked as he didn't believe what he heard.

His imo nodded. "Yes. He is your classmate before. Isn't it you guys recently met here?"

"Oh no! Jaejin!" Jungkook put down his spoon and gulped the water hurriedly. "Imo, samchul, let's go to the hospital now. I don't want to school today. Wait, I will get my things."

In a split second, Jungkook already disappeared from the dining table. He rushed upstairs to his room.



Jungkook didn't change his clothes before heading to Seoul. Still with his white shirt beneath his navy sweater and his sweat pants. He sighed endlessly staring at Jaejin who still unconscious. His both arms and left leg were in bandage, half of his head too.

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