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I needed to put more efforts on cycling as I got a passenger today. Earlier, his aunt asked me a favour and both of us seemed to refuse. Wait, I didn't really sure of his but he just didn't show any reaction that made me feel bad to say no.

So, I ended up to go with him. But, the awful thing was, he comfortably took the passenger seat. Didn't he has any shame? People around gave us weird gaze. Like why a girl should cycle for a boy? Huh, btw he was not that heavy or maybe I am too strong(?)

"Hey girl next door, can I hug you?"

A mellow voice knocked my eardrums. He got my nerves but in a good way. Am I excited?

"No, I mean.... If you want to go bit fast."

He sounded in mess. My lips curled smile.

"Hold tight, I want to speed up or we will late to school!"

I smirked and cycled faster. I could feel his arms around my waist. Tight. My face absolutely turned red because of the tingles from his warmth also when realising that he leaned in, his breathing brushed my back effortlessly made my heart thumped.


"Thank you."

He got off from my bicycle and turned away while fixing his hair. Yes, he is attractive.

"Hey, need any help in direction?"

I yelled. And he turned back facing me from certain distance. He gave me a smile.

"Don't you remember? I need to not know you when I am in trouble. So, see ya!"

Oh, it was a shame. He must think that I am interested in him. Kim Byeol, what's wrong with you? Maybe, I only care about him because of the promise that I made with his auntie. That's all.


It was a week since then. Nothing much happened in those days between us. We barely had a conversation and I could say even though we see each other every day, we still acted like strangers.

Every morning I will go to school with him either on foot, with bicycle and there was one day his samchul gave us a ride. ((FYI, he newly got his bicycle.))

At school, we really didn't talk to each other or even acted like we know each other. We were not classmates though. Sometimes, I saw him around and he is always alone. His imo was true. Social skills-fail. I wonder did he even try to fit in? I am sure he's not!

I woke up in the morning, saw Jungkook through the window, going to school with him, then classes, recess, lunch, my taekwondo class in evening, stay back in library till night, back home alone, dinner and sleep. That was my routine recently and well, I couldn't help myself to not peeked him through my window before I sleep. But it was useless as I only saw an empty dark room with the dark blue curtain tied neatly on the side. Yeah, kinda disappointing.

Somehow, there were times when our eyes met in school. He with those blank stare and there was me... I guess maybe curious stare.

Day 1- I saw him in his class alone while recess with earphones plugged into his ears. His mind was not there, of course. For a second, our eyes met, I turned my head and walked ahead to snack bar.

Day 2- I saw him wandering around the school on lunchtime. He didn't eat for sure. I didn't really sure where he was heading to but absolutely not school's lunch hall. His gaze was really empty.

Day 3- Jungkook with some boys at the snack bar. The group was really noisy but there was him alone at the corner, sipping the banana milk. I gave him a congratulatory smile as I thought he finally had friends. He replied my smile with a smirk which last for a second.

Day 4- I saw Jungkook walked pass the school hall while I am in the middle of my taekwondo class. Exchanging glares for some seconds then he turned away. We also bumped into each other on my way out from school after my night stay back. He was still in school uniform and a bit clumsy. I didn't think further as I was totally sleepy that time.


Day 5- where everything revealed

School ended. I let out my relief sigh. Woah, today's classes were really long as hell and what made me happy was knowing that my taekwondo class was cancelled due to some clashes. As tomorrow is weekend, I didn't plan to stay back. I really just want to back home and sleep.

I tossed all the books into my locker, packing my bag and ready to go! I walked to the gate with my desk mate, Choi Yura. We chatted about our weekend plans and changed the topic as we saw some seniors in our batch floor.

"What are they doing here?" I asked Yura.

"Who?" Yura didn't notice.

"They. Junmyeon and his boys."

Yura's face became serious. "Didn't you hear the gossip?"

"What? You know me, right?" I awkwardly smiled. I am not the gossiping type.

Yura hissed. "Aish, Kim Byeol. The new boy from Seoul in class 2-4. On his first day, he was being silly to them. I don't really sure what actually happened but since then, he was courted by them."

New boy.
From Seoul.
Being silly.


"So what now?" My gulped. Nervous.

She shrugged "I don't know. As long as he didn't cause any trouble, those seniors will not be here and show up."

Look, I am freakingly worried now. What on the earth was Jungkook doing to them? He must be out of sense!

Suddenly, a bunch of girls walked pass us. They only sentence that I heard was;

"That boy will be a dead meat. Junmyeon and his boys are really furious just now."

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