Byeol's SkyEntry (special part)

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Hey there! Welcome to my entry! I used to talk about taekwondo here and now I want to story you guys about Jungkook. (I used to call him Jeon because Jungkook is such a manly name and not suit a weak boy like him HAHA)

Let's take a break and I will tell you the chronicle of Jungkook being bullied. He was bullied by this four legendary group of students and yeah by that I am known as Jungkook's guardian.

1. The Kim Brothers
Member: Kim Junmyeon (leader), Kim Minseok, Kim Jongdae and Kim Jongin

About them:
-They are the most popular seniors in the school.
-All of them are the presidents of school's clubs. Junmyeon-art club, Minseok-math club, Jongdae-music club, Jongin-drama club.
-They're hot (fangirls everywhere) also a bunch of bastards.
-They don't really make obvious chaos in school so the teachers don't label them as the troublemakers.
-They bully those who caught them red handed starting by blackmailing. And that's why Jungkook was bullied. He saw them smoking at the school's backyard. What's Jungkook doing there? He is skipping class actually....

How I know them:
As I confident with my taekwondo skills, I feel responsible to help people. So, when there's them bullying, I will be there too. It was a failure at first because they only see me as a fragile girl. So, I only report them to Mr.Yoongi (he is my uncle-my mother's younger brother) , the only teacher who will believe me as a junior. Soon, I get to know a lot after saving several of their victims. Because of that, I made friends too.

Status: they stopped as I report them to mr.yoongi. They already graduated now.

2. My classmates (they just a best friend and don't have fancy nickname)

Members: Kim Minggyu, Lee Seokmin

About them:
-both of them are talented and not just clever and handsome too
-they don't really bully, they are just pranksters who love to make ones life a bit less easy
-they hate Jungkook because Jungkook sits on their seat at the snack bay. Actually I think Jungkook knows the seats are theirs. He said he was curious about what will they do. Curious my ass! now I am the one who need to accompany him there.
-they used to put rubber lizard (and sometimes the real one) in his bag, spill the soup or drinks on his uniform, trip his legs, break his bicycle chain and also puncture the tyres

Status: they are still angry with Jungkook as he also annoyed them with his words and yeah as long as Jungkook with me, they don't dare to touch him. Hey i have taekwondo-black belt

3. The Charmings

Members: Byun Baekhyun, Park Chanyeol, Do Kyungsoo, Oh Sehun

About them:
-they are older but in senior year as us. I heard they are repeating for times. I don't sure.
-they are handsome, cool, hot, cute and damn gorgeous fine...they are also talented and i could say that they are every girls ideal type. I admire them too. Just how people like them even real.
-jungkook run faster than them on our physical test and I also shocked of that. He said he used to run away from the bullies so that's why he could make it. Since that, jungkook make fun of their athletic sides and hurt their pride.

Status: they need to keep their image fine so they rarely beat Jungkook. They also busy with their fangirls.

4. No name squad (idk really abt them cause they are jungkook's classmates)

Members: Kim Namjoon, Jung Hoseok, Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung

About them:
-they are the epitome of friendship goals as they already know each other since 4 years old, what people call it nowadays as soulmates
-they actually want Jungkook to be part of them because they see something unique in him. Yeah, they must be out of sense
-since jungkook refusing, they like to disturb and annoy him
-they only put light pranks and not as brutal as seokmin and mingyu
-jungkook and them have that kind of love-hate relationship so I don't really care if they are together

Status: they still distracting him with childish thing and I certainly start to knowing them too. They are sweet and lovely boys actually.

That's all for now. For your information, I am typing this on my study table and from here I can see Jungkook trying to get my attention. Woah this kid.

Bye guys!

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