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It had been 10 minutes Byeol cycled following Jungkook. Their argument stopped as Byeol already tired. After a long silence, Byeol noticed that they were at an unfamiliar place to her. She sighed.

"Yah, You really don't want to go to school today?" Byeol was catching him up as Jungkook started to slow down.

"I want to skip school today." He answered plainly.

"Heol. Did you know I've been following you since then?" Byeol complained.

"I've already told you to leave. Stop blaming me, you damn b*tch!" Jungkook hissed. Glaring at her.

"Bitch?" Byeol rolled her eyes. She managed to just let it slide. Too tired to be angry again. "Where are you heading to, then? Is it still far away? I am tired already."

"You're talking too much that's why you're that tired." Jungkook didn't give any shit. He still upset with Byeol even he didn't really sure why.


Byeol called him out only to be ignored.

"Yah. Jeon Jungkook."

Again she was ignored.

"Yah! Idiot! Weakboy! Are you deaf? What's wrong with you?!!"

Jungkook took a deep breath. Holding back his anger, he managed to annoyed her.

"Yes, nosy girl? Is anything wrong?" He stopped his bike and Byeol did so. "Can you just keep your mouth shut? I don't know why but it is really irritating. You know even all the birds fly away as they heard your freaking ugly voice." With an expression that Byeol can't even recognised, she knew Jungkook really wanted her to be quiet.

"'s harsh you know?" Byeol hissed. She was a bit hurt. "Why are you so sensitive?..." Her voice was a bit trailed.

"Sorry. I just want to be alone." Jungkook answered without looking at her. Then he cycled away leaving that place and Byeol.

Byeol has never seen that face of Jungkook and she knew she was doomed.


Jungkook reached the place that he wanted to go. The villagers called that place Green Hill. That place was a bit hidden in the village and only people who used to live there know. Before reaching it you need to get through a small forest with a path that only bicycle and people can pull through.

Jungkook sat on the green grass and leaned against the 100-year-old tree. Looking down to the magnificent scenery of the whole village from afar, he closed his eyes and let the wind brushed his face and messing with his hair.

Suddenly his serenity was distracted by some little noise of broken twigs and crushed dries leaves. Someone must have stepped on them. He sighed. He noticed that Byeol still following him since then and he managed to act like he didn't know. Byeol also did as he wished all the way there which was to keep silent.

"Come out if you want. I know you are still here." He said it out loud.

Slowly, Byeol showed herself and landed her butt beside him.

Jungkook gave her a glance and she replied it with a grin.


He looked away and hid his small smile.

Byeol enjoyed the scenery too and she was really excited. "How do you find this place? It's really cool. Look that's our house and that's school and that's Yoongi samchul's house and that's the lake and..."

"I know." He cut her excitement a bit. With that serious and annoyed face, Byeol sighed.

Byeol pouted. She hated to see Jungkook like that. Grumpy.

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