Taehyung was thinking that Hoseok was planning to maybe have sex with Yoongi before he sleeps and he was screaming inside. 

How dare he think of that when I am in front of him!

"And what exercise are you talking about Hoseok-hyung?" Taehyung asked with a smile but almost snapping. He needed to hear it himself before he acts harshly or say something he would regret. 

But Hoseok continued grinning, liking how Taehyung was getting jealous over some joke. "Who knows? Maybe Yoongi-hyung would find out later." Hoseok said in such a flirty way and it was enough to make Taehyung's blood boil. 

Taehyung began imagining inappropriate things that could happen between the two in that small space of a room and his eyes are starting to darken by just thinking about it.

"Oh... I see." Taehyung said in gritted teeth. 

Hoseok walked out but not forgetting to give Taehyung one last smile that he knew would make Taehyung go insane. 

Jimin was there all the time but he was too busy in his own world thinking of where Jungkook might have gone too. He didn't even notice that Taehyung was already stomping his feet following Hoseok.

After another few minutes of waiting, the door opened showing Jungkook who looked surprised too when he saw Jimin there on the sofa waiting for him. But he knew better not to make it easy for Jimin.

Jimin stood up excited as he keeps on smiling when he saw Jungkook.

"Jungkook! Where did you go? I was waiting for-" And then his smile faltered when Jungkook just walked passed him, not even sparing him a glance. To say that it stung his heart was an understatement. 

Jimin felt like thunder hit him.

 When he realized that Jungkook was walking towards their room he started following him as he shrugged what just happened. He was thinking that maybe Jungkook was just not in the mood to talk or maybe he's just acting bitchy like every time.

When they're already inside their shared room, Jungkook just lay on the bed not having a single care of Jimin's existence. He was just scrolling through his phone.

"Jungkook...do you want to eat? You skipped dinner and I could-"

"I already ate." Jungkook said in a cold tone, still not looking at Jimin.

"T-Then do you want a midnight snack?" Jungkook didn't bother to reply this time. Jimin was starting to get a heavy feeling and was starting to overthink. Jungkook isn't talking to him and it slapped him right in the face that Jungkook was mad for some reason.

Jungkook wasn't mad by just Jimin getting away from him in the car but by Jimin trusting Yoongi and going with the side of the pale boy. It wasn't just jealousy, Jungkook was scared and worried that Jimin might keep on trusting Yoongi.

Jimin for some reason didn't get his hopes that down. He sucked up his last pride and he climbed up the bed where Jungkook was as he threw Jungkook's phone somewhere. He was hovering over Jungkook making the taller to finally look at him with a frown.

"Why aren't you talking to me?" Jimin asked with an irritated tone. It was now his time to cage Jungkook between his arms. Jungkook gave him a glare but he still didn't move anyway.

"It's none of your business Jimin. I could do whatever I want to." And another painful sting. Jungkook was right, he could go wherever he wants to without needing anyone's permission.

"I'm asking you a question Jungkook!" Jimin finally snapped, closing his eyes still in that position. It made Jungkook taken aback at the sudden outburst.

♛Confession's Confusion♛ (Jikook/Kookmin) [[COMPLETED]]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें