Chapter 14

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|     Ein's POV.    |

It's Saturday and I was getting ready for today. I changed my clothes and ate breakfast and right now is 11:00. I still have almost two hours to spare. I didn't know what to do in the house alone for two hours. Ugh! I decided to take a nap since I didn't really sleep well because I was up all night thinking about y/n. I can never stop thinking about her. She is just perfect and I am... Well, nothing.

 Well, nothing

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*Time Skipped*

I woke up from my nap and I looked at the clock and... OH MY IRENE! ITS 12:55! I NEED TO GO PICK HER UP NOW! I quickly got my phone and ran towards her house. I finally made it to her house with two minutes to spare. I knocked on the door and waited for y/n. Someone then opened the door... But it wasn't y/n. It was a guy with messy black hair with a red sweater. "Hello?" The guy said. Wait... Isn't he the guy that picked up y/n that one time? "O-oh. Hey. I am here to pick up y/n" I said. "For what?" He asked. "Uhh... To hang out" I said. "Out?" He said all confused. "Y-yeah" I said all nervous. "How do you know y/n?" He said. "W-well, I have classes with her and we are friends" I said. "Oh. Aren't you that werewolf guy that y/n mentions alot?" He said. Y-y/n mentions me! Alot! Oh wow! "Y-yeah, I hope so heh" I said scratching the back of my head. "Well then, the name is Aaron. You?" Aaron said. "Its Ein" I said. "Well, nice to meet you Ein" he said as he gave out his hand. "It's nice to meet you too" I said as I accepted his hand and shook on it. "I'm coming!" Y/n said coming downstairs. S-she looked cute. I hope I'm not blushing in front of Aaron. "Ready?" I said. "Yeah I'm ready. I see that you two already met. That's good" y/n said. "Well, have fun" Aaron said. "Bye" y/n said. We then walked away.

 We then walked away

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We were on our way to... Somewhere. "Hey y/n. Where do you want to go?" I asked. "How about the park" y/n said. So we were headed towards the park and the park is full of people. We walked in the sidewalk and talked about lots of stuff. We joked and laughed and the day was going very smoothly. I saw a guy selling some treats. "Hey y/n, want a treat?" I asked. "Yeah!" She said full of excitement. We headed over to the guy who was selling treats with his little cart. I ordered a snowcone and y/n ordered (Choose treat). I payed the guy and we continued walking in the park eating our treats. Then, I saw no one on the swings... I have an idea. "Want to go to the swing?" I said. "Sure! Sounds like fun!" She said. We already finished our treats and through it in the trash. Y/n hopped on the swing. "I haven't been on a swing in years. It feels good to be on the swing" she said. "Really? Well, where have you been from the years of not going on the swing?" I said. She became silent all of the sudden. "I-I'm Sorry! I Didn't Mean to-" I was cut off by y/n. "It's fine. I was homeschooled for my entire life. I hardly left the house and never wonder what the outside world is doing" y/n said. I wanted to change the subject because she is starting to look sad. "Do you want me to push you?" I asked. "S-sure" she said. I pushed y/n and y/n started swinging. She smiled. I guess I made her feel better. That's a good sign.

*Time Skipped*

It was time for y/n to go back home. I walked her to her house. When we finally made it to her house, she waved a good bye and was about to leave. Y/n then hugged me and said "Thank you for this awesome night. I haven't had this much fun in years." I hugged her back and said "Y-your welcome. Thank you for being so nice to me." We broke our hug and she waved goodbye and went tot he door. As soon as she opened the door and went inside, she looked back at me and smiled at me. She then closed the door and I walked to my house very happy. I think we were met for each other.

|     Aaron's POV.    |

I heard the door opened and saw y/n all happy. I mean, she is mostly happy all the time but... Not this happy. Huh. Maybe it was that Ein guy that made her this happy. Heh.

Maybe they are meant for each other

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