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"It doesn't strike me as too likely that Sir will be willing to accept two of you! He'll interrogate just one of you hard enough!"

That had been... About what Izuku had expected. Part of him wished that it hadn't been delivered in such a happy-go-lucky sort of way. This wasn't exactly news that he was happy to hear.

The last couple of days had been a mishmash of calls and connections and talking to people to try to arrange some sort of internship for both him and Mina. From Gran Torino, he had gone to All Might. From All Might, he'd ended up looking into other options himself. From there, the next day, he had been summoned into the same room where All Might explained One For All's Origins to him, and there was Mirio Togata, called in as well. Initially, Izuku hadn't been sure why.

They talked. All Might couldn't speak to Nighteye – Well, he could, but he was too awkward to do so, on account of... Something which had apparently happened between them that he didn't want to go into right now. But Mirio – Mirio was already interning with the former sidekick. If there was someone that could get Izuku and Nighteye introduced, he was probably going to be the person to do it.

Mirio was a kind of... The best way that Izuku could describe him was eccentric and energetic. A bit like his first impressions of Mina had been, only this time, they were accurate. He carried a sense of maturity about him though, like all the third years did, despite their various personality ticks. Experience made them emit an aura in their own right, even when they didn't mean to... And really shouldn't. He was a friendly guy though, and he seemed open enough to introducing Izuku to his mentor, just because he had been asked to, and seemed to see some potential in the teen in question.

And then, Izuku had had to ask about the chances of two people getting internships there. He explained to Mirio why he was asking, and what his eventual goals for the future were - Haphazard and everywhere as they were – And he wanted to know if there was a shot at Nighteye taking both he and Mina on.

He hadn't been expecting much, and he'd gotten just about what he expected.

Asking for an internship at all was an upwards pitch to begin with. Even if they weren't being paid, it needed the Hero in question to go out of their way to find work for the intern, make sure they understood what they were doing, could do it competently, and teach them the ropes as they did it. Internships needed to Pro in question to throw a spanner in their normal routine, for the benefit of someone who could end up working at a completely different company for all they knew. Depending on the Hero in question, that could be a far harder pitch than with others.

With the way All Might and Mirio spoke about Nighteye, Izuku could already tell he would be in for a tough time, even if he went alone. Going with two people would be impossible, no matter how slim a chance anyone else said it would be.

Izuku sighed, and felt his shoulders drop. Just because he hadn't gotten his hopes up, that didn't mean that he wasn't disappointed. He'd fully admit, if he could have the chance to work with All Might's former sidekick, he would take it, without any hesitation. The things that he could learn, the kind of Hero he could meet, and see what he himself could become if he continued to learn from All Might. He could reap the benefits of learning from someone who learned under All Might while he was still in his hay-day. Mirio was, and while his Quirk had a ton of disadvantages, he was still one of the strongest Heroes-in-training Izuku had ever seen. He could take out an entire classroom of aspiring Heroes like it wasn't even a mild threat, and he credited his internship for that, for giving him the experience he needed to master his Quirk. He was an example of what Nighteye might be able to do for him.

This was a rare opportunity. An exceedingly rare one. Maybe even a once in a lifetime opportunity. Izuku knew this.

...It wouldn't be fair though. And it wouldn't be right.

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