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"Your mom really is super nice." Mina commented with a smile as the two of them re-entered Izuku's room after they had eaten the dinner his mother had made for them all. "Plus, she's gotta be ten thousand times better than mine at cooking."

Izuku couldn't help but let out a small laugh which he had attempted to hold back. He'd just spent the last fifteen minutes watching Mina shoveling food into her mouth like it was all about to be stolen from her. She acted like she hadn't eaten properly in weeks, which knowing her detest for her own mothers cooking, could well have been the case.

He sat back onto his bed in the position that he'd been in for the last few hours, with his back leaned to the wall, and surrounded by the various books they'd been using to study. Stretching his arms until he heard a click, Izuku took a deep inhale and smiled. "I'd guessed you'd enjoyed it. You seemed pretty hungry."

"I only really eat at the school or takeouts for the time being. Seriously, what you had was actually fairly good compared to some of the other stuff my mother's done." Shrugged Mina, rubbing one of her eyes sleepily.

"That - That sounds really expensive. H-Hasn't anyone in your family told her?.. Or can't anyone else in your family cook?"

"You think Micha's worth a damn in a kitchen?" The pink girl grinned. "Best I can make is soup, and the other two are way too young for us to even let them try. Dad tried once. He managed to make chicken taste like potatoes."

"So no then."

"Absolutely not." Stretching now herself, Mina yawned for a few seconds. "Don't worry 'bout it Izuku. Mom'll get over it eventually. She'll do new things, either do them really well or fail miserably, and go back to normal after a couple of months at most. Just unlucky for us she tried this new thing with her cooking."

"What did she even try?"

"I don't know, something to do with low carbs and a ton of herbs. I think I saw her using a blender with sprouts at some point. I really have no idea how she makes it so bad. Your mom is just a really freakin' amazing cook though!"

Smiling sheepishly and with a tint of red on them, Izuku scratched his right cheek. "I think she likes you. She's been wanting to meet you since I told her about you."

"Yeah, speaking of which," Mina turned and grinned at Izuku. "Is there anything that you didn't tell her about us? Aside from the obvious." Seeing the blush in his face grow darker, she kept teasing him with the information she had just received. "Seriously, do you just come back here and tell your mother about every time I've exhaled or something?"

It wasn't so much that Izuku had apparently gone into specifics like that, at all. What he had done, according to Inko, was tell her pretty much everything that the two of them did together, like dates or just regular days at Yuuei. Mentions of things about her family, right down to their Quirks, and how they acted with one another, and various other things. He didn't explain everything, just a brief overview whenever she asked him. Obviously he didn't include things that were completely taboo, like his Quirk and the fight they had been in with Overgrow, but everything else, his mother seemed to know about. It amused Mina that he was so embarrassed about this - She did pretty much the same thing with Micha, after all.

Now attempting to hide his flustered state by covering his face with his arms, Izuku stammered up a storm of explanations. "I - I was - I just - M-my m-mom, she, she - I don't -"

Giggling at her boyfriend's stuttering and inability to speak, the Acid Quirk user struggled to stay upright properly as she laughed, having to use the wall nearest to her to keep her upright. It never failed to give her a good laugh. She honestly would never get tired of Izuku's flustered embarrassment of himself. Perhaps it was a bit cruel, but it was so cute that Mina struggled to catch herself in the act, and she was already teasing him before she even knew what she was doing.

Awkward Energy - MinaDekuحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن