Joy Of Failure

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Something that Izuku just wasn't used to about the Ashido family was their straightforward, light-hearted and friendly attitude towards him. He should have gotten used to it a lot quicker than he was, but he just wasn't quite able to.

With Mina, he'd adapted quickly. Since they were dating one another, and spent such a lot of time together, he'd grown accustomed to the way she was. Her energetic and eccentric ways had been surrounding him for the last few months, so he'd grown accustomed to her personality. If only to save himself from further embarrassment and fluster from her actions.

The thing was, Izuku still was terribly awkward socially. Conditioned to keep his mouth shut and to keep to himself by years of bullying, being surrounded suddenly by all manner of various outgoing and friendly people was something he still struggled with, even after all his time at Yuuei. He could manage it when he was with a group of friends, or on a one-to-one basis, or with Mina...

Her entire family was open and friendly and hyper energetic like her too, though, and excluding Mina herself, there were five of them.

Five people he barley even knew. The only thing he honestly knew about any of them was the fact that they were blood relations to his girlfriend. Frankly, it did add a lot more pressure onto him. No, this wasn't the first time he'd met the family, but this was the first time in quite a while, and now they were convinced, just as much as he was, that the relationship he had with Mina was one that was going to last. And somehow, that made him feel more like he was under more of an obligation to be upstanding.

Frankly, he didn't fully understand why he felt like this. He was aware he was overthinking things, but that wasn't going to stop him from doing so, out of sheer habit if nothing else.

His worries weren't founded in any sense of reality however.

The Ashido family just genuinely liked him.

Opening up the door for Izuku to enter her house, Mina followed shortly after, and shut the door behind her. Kicking her shoes off in the entrance hall, she then hopped up from the lower section, and then called out into the house, throwing her arms into the air like she was making a huge announcement to a huge crowd. "Yo, we're back! I brought Izuku!"

"You mean you got me to bring you both back." Micha, revealing himself to be in the room to the immediate right, collapsed onto a sofa that was just opposite the door, commented.

"Micha, those're just details." Mina slyly stated, glancing towards her collapsed brother. He was just going to take it easy until his girlfriend called that she was ready to go. How she managed to put up with his driving, Mina had absolutely no idea.

Before Micha could get another word in edge-wise towards his younger sister, that Izuku could already tell he had on the tip of his tongue, a voice that was just at the top the stairs, followed by a series of running footsteps pulled his attention upwards. At the top of those stairs, were Mina's younger siblings, Mika and Mara, and in front of them, was Mina's mother, who already had a huge smile of what looked like pride on her face.

Izuku had only recently, on the car ride back in between the yelps and Mina yelling at her brother to calm the holy hell down when it came to his driving, that the oldest Ashido woman's first name was Michiko, and that the family name actually belonged to her side. He'd never actually gotten to know what her name was on his first visit, nor had he exactly interacted with her much, if at all.

Still, she acted as if Izuku was an old family friend that she hadn't seen in a long time. "Midoriya!" She greeted happily, quickly making her way down the steps and pulling her daughter's boyfriend into a warm hug. Within just a second, Izuku knew exactly where Mina got her friendliness and social attitudes from. "It's been a while! Good to see you again!"

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