Stop Worrying!

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"So, we pretty much just have to nab Ashido's and Uraraka's tags, and make sure we keep at least one of ours at a time, and we should be able to win, right?" Kirishama had revised the rules of the match with Izuku while the two of them awaited the Clarkson to sound for the training session to begin. The two teenagers found themselves stood on top of a multi-story building that was built to resemble an apartment lot, similar to the one Izuku lived in alongside his mother, except this was a lot taller.

It gave them a good overview of the rest of the training site, letting the Hardening and the One For All Quirk users to commit the layout to memory. In doing so, a plan of attack was an easy thing to create when you could see all the good ambush points and escape routes. Kirishima was looking intensely over the edge, to look for any good spots to make note of. Normally Izuku would have been right there alongside him, making plans and thinking a few steps ahead as to what options they had.

Not this time though.

"R-Right..." Izuku nodded, in confirmation. "We should have the advantage..." Theoretically, he and his partner had good Quirks for this sort of task. Long range Quirks were of limited effectiveness in this situation, since it required the users to get in close, where they may be at their weakest. It was like putting Sero or Aoyama in a close quarters fight. They would only have limited effectiveness. Since One For All and Hardening were strictly Close-Quarters-Combat Quirks, it would give them an edge in stealing their opponents tags.

Of course, Mina and Uraraka weren't weak in close quarters. Far from it. Both of their Quirks were also valuable when it came to close range conflict, Uraraka more so than Mina. Since the pink girl had an emission type Quirk, it meant that by classification, she would be better suited at medium range. Mina was quick on the draw though, and could secrete Acid from pretty much anywhere on her body, and use this to her advantage. In close range, she was just as dangerous as Kirishama was. Possibly more so, since her powers could allow her to erode away his powerful defence, and by extension, break his offence.

Not that this information seemed to bother the red haired Hero in training. In fact, he grinned, and slammed his fists together, in conjunction with the activation of his Quirk, the impact sending sparks flying either way, and sending a sound like two swords classing in a duel from his actions. "All right! This looks like it's gonna be pretty fun, eh Midoriya?"

"Not sure if I'd say fun, but I guess I see what you mean..." Unlike his teammate, Izuku hadn't been stood, taking in the sight of the training ground at the edge of the rooftop. He'd instead opted to sit down by a wall, thinking about the people he was going to have to fight.

"Hey, are you alright?" As he asked this, Kirishama attached his white coloured tag to his belt, the same one that kept up his waist-mounted cape, marking the position he would have to defend. "You seem down."

"D-Don't worry, I-Im fine! " Izuku jumped to reassure his classmate quickly, awkwardly laughing as he did so, fooling no one of his status. It had been a poor, in-vain attempt to save himself the inevitable embarrassment that was about to come in.

"It's Ashido, right?" It didn't take much for the Hardening Quirk user to figure out. He had been one of the original people Mina had admitted her feelings for Izuku to. He imagined that she felt the same was Izuku was feeling, particularly given their recent announcement. If he knew one thing about Midoriya, it was that he put his all into whatever he did. He didn't mess around. If he had agreed to date Ashido, then he was serious about it. It was one of the things Kirishama respected about Izuku. Say what you like about him, he was hard-wired when it came to anything he did.

Looking away to the side, and feeling his hands unconsciously turn into tightly gripped fists, the green haired boy gave his answer without ever meaning to.

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