Simple Backfire

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The first thing Izuku saw when he woke up was pink. Specifically, pink hair. First thing in the morning, and still half asleep, the green haired boy thought he was still dreaming, or that the entirety of the previous lucid seven hours had been some kind of hallucination on his part, due to stress and other factors he couldn't possibly be aware of.

Why on earth he would be hallucinating about tutoring Mina was a completely different question. Had he finally lost it?

It wasn't until he actually took a breath, and caught the scent of her hair - At this point, he was convinced that she could practically claim a trademark on it - That he realised that in fact, he was awake, he wasn't going a very weird sort of insane, and that Mina was indeed still in his room, in the same position that she was in last night, and that it was morning. She'd spent the entire night here.

That was... A very conflicting thought to have. Both exciting and absolutely terrifying at the same time.

Blinking a few times to regain his sight, blurred as it was in the mornings, Izuku looked around the room, finding aside from the slightly shorter girl if you excluded the horns, and if you did, then slightly taller than himself, located on his lap, and her belongings around the place, then everything was as it should be.

He yawned, and unconsciously moved his hand to cover his mouth out of pure muscle reflex that this was how his body was supposed to act. His arm didn't move how it was supposed to, instead staying where it was for the most part, his forearm moving vertically slightly, his hand suddenly pressed against something warm. Following where his arm was with his eyes, he found out that his hand was, somehow, underneath her partially rolled up school undershirt and pressed against her bare stomach. How this had happened was beyond him. Either this had happened in his sleep, or Mina was intentionally messing with him.

A few seconds passed before it fully registered what the hell was going on.

When it finally clicked, Izuku felt his entire body go as rigid as concrete. Eyes fully open now, he almost bit on his lips so hard that he drew blood. Dear God, how the hell did this happen?! His mind was racing, and he was fighting a serious urge to rocket away from the sleeping girl and let the consequences to that action be damned. There was only so much Izuku was capable of taking at one point, and this was one step too far, especially first thing in the morning!

He couldn't exactly move his hand, all that said. That would require him untangling himself from the weird maze that seemed to have developed. There was never a point the word 'maze' should be used to describe a person's clothing and body, and that thought in itself made Izuku blush, even more than he already was doing. If that didn't make matters bad enough, looking down Mina's body, which was a blush inducing incident in itself, to where his hand was, he discovered her own hand atop where his was.

So this was Mina messing with him. She must have woken in the middle of the night and done this just to mess with him.

She really was going to wind up giving him a heart attack someday, wasn't she?

"Mmm...uhuh?" Upon thinking that, he suddenly heard Mina begin to stir awake. Her head tilted to the side, which nearly caused her horns to whack Izuku in the chin due to where he was positioned. He avoided being hit narrowly, pulling his head back as rapidly as he could to evade being accidentally caught by the visual Quirk his girlfriend had. Her body also shifted, wriggling like she must normally do, like she was trying to roll straight over and return back to sleep, only to find out that she couldn't do that. "...The heck?..." She questioned with a loud yawn of her own, not moving her hands to stifle it whatsoever.

Neither of them spoke or moved for a couple of seconds, while Mina went through the same thought process, checklist, and realisation that Izuku had been through, only about ten times faster.

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