Long Overdue - Part 1

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Well then fuckheads, here it is. Chapter 50 - I just wanted to let ya'll know, this is being split into five chapters - Simply because it is much easier for digestion then.

At least 45K words of progress and two entire volumes covered... I hope you enjoy. (This was FUCKING PAINFUL.)

How many days had it been now?

Two? Three? Not counting the ones that he wasn't awake for, anyway. He truly had no idea either way though. Izuku's main focus had just been on forcing himself to stay awake, a challenge that was becoming increasingly more and more difficult to actually do. Everything was piling up, and had been piling up for however long it had been since he'd woken up. The numbness was only going to do so much. Keeping his eyes open was now like trying to keep a pair of dumbbells in the air for an extended period of time. He could hardly even feel any of his muscles anymore. His sense of touch felt like it had just escaped his body.

It was factually incredible that he'd managed not to pass out yet. Anyone else would have been out cold for days, if they were a normal Human. Even those who had Stamina Enhancement and Self - Healing Quirks would simply just be unable to keep this up, and yet he was managing, even if his eyes were only half open now. Through sheer willpower and stubbornness, he'd kept his eyes open and done the closest that he could to staying alert as possible. No matter how much he wanted to just give it up, he simply refused to rest, to close his eyes, to fall asleep, to let his guard down around the Villains.

He needed to be awake. To try to think of a way out of this. To rack his brain until it broke. To take any opportunities that were presented to him to help himself and Bakugou escape from their captors clutches, with or without their powers. He couldn't afford the luxury of sleep. Time just wasn't something that was on his side. Every second that passed by was a second close to the Villains final decision, and who knew what on earth that was going to end up being.

Besides, even if he did go to sleep, he had no doubt that he'd end up barely rested once he woke up. He'd almost certainly have a horrible nightmare pertaining to his situation.

Right now, reality was more than enough for him.

"Seriously Deku, how the fuck're you even still conscious?" Looking up from the ground, Izuku turned his gaze towards Bakugou. After being in the dark for so long, Izuku's eyesight had adapted, and he was able to see his childhood friend much more clearly than he had been able to before. He looked angry, but that was nothing new. All things considered, he was surprisingly calm. Maybe more so than Izuku himself. "You shoulda passed out hours ago. Shit, anyone would have passed out hours ago."

"I..." It certainly wasn't difficult to understand Bakugou's bewilderment. Untreated injuries galore, who knew how long without sleep, and no doubt stressed and terrified about their situation... It surprised Izuku himself that he was even still able to form a coherent thought in his head...

In regards to Bakugou's observations though, he did have an answer.

Or more accurately, a theory.

"I.... I think It's part of my Quirk..." He answered, without certainty. In truth he had no idea, but this was the best answer he had, and he didn't see the harm in sharing his theory with Bakugou. "I... I'm not sure, but I think my Quirk has some... Some kind of trauma or impact dampening function." Truthfully, he'd had the suspicion for a while now, but had never been so utterly broken to ever confirm it, and hadn't ever been in a rush to test it out. But the sheer number of times he'd battered himself into a thousand tiny bits, and how he'd just kept on going... "I.... I think that my Quirk... Helps me to handle damage that I receive. Or at least manage it a bit more than I should be able to normally. I – I'm not too sure. But I shouldn't be conscious after the Forest... And I shouldn't have ever woken up, or managed to stay conscious. Not with injuries like this. Not when they haven't been treated at all... I'm... But that's just a guess... I'm not sure."

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