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Traditional classes weren't on the menu for Yuuei students. Just training activities that were assigned to Gym room Gamma, half a day for each class. 1A normally had the mornings, while 1B would take the afternoons. The goal - To create super moves for each student. Something that would give them the edge in a fight, a way to use their Quirk in a creative manner that would give them an advantage.

Though today, those classes were being swapped around. 1B was taking the morning session, and 1A the afternoon. The reasons were basic to anyone who heard about the kidnapping of both 1A students, and the return of one, plus another absent member of the class.

Arriving one day, and then waking up the next day only to be hounded straight into a practical exercise was, to put it bluntly, unlikely to do the pair of them any favors. They still needed time to get used to going back to regular life.

Even if they both insisted that they were fine.

One in the afternoon was when their session would begin. Which worked out well enough, Izuku supposed. It gave both him and Mina the opportunity to start work on renovating her empty room, adding that Ashido flare to the bare, empty room.

Pink. Pink everywhere, with black being the second most common colour used. Somehow it made Izuku laugh just how much of his girlfriends room had two primary colours as she did. It was like when she saw herself in the mirror for the first time, she just decided to roll with it from then on. It was remarkably similar to her room at her house by the time that the pair of them were finished with everything. Were it not for the wooden plank flooring, he could have been fooled into thinking that they were right back at the Ashido household.

Easily though, his favourite part of the new room was the pinboard that she kept above her desk.

Accented with a pink frame, as nearly everything else in this room was, Mina kept a pinboard, crammed full of pictures that she had taken of her friends, printed out, and stuck to the board. She had ones with Uraraka, Jirou, and Yaoyorozu, and a couple of herself, for what he could only assume were vanity reasons - Something he rolled his eyes at. Affectionately, of course, as he said to Mina. Really though, he didn't mind that. It was her board, and she could pin to it whatever she liked.

But the ones that were of her and him - And there were plenty of those on there, pinned onto nearly every single spare inch of surface that it had to offer, were easily his favourites. Silly things, including pictures of him that he hadn't been aware she had taken, selfies that she had jumped him with, even some of the pictures that she had had Hagakure take that day at the Kiyashi ward, before he'd been taken hostage by Shigaraki. It was almost like a timeline of their relationship, in format of physical photograph.

All on display for anyone to see. Memories, and examples of their time together, there for her to see every single day. It would be what she saw when she fell asleep, and, provided she woke up facing the same direction she had fallen asleep in, which was rare, it would be the first thing that she saw when she woke up too.

Something that just made him smile. It was just a tiny little addition to Mina's room, but the fact that she wanted these pictures up like this... It was nice.

It made it easily his favourite aspect of her new room.

"Aaaaand that looks like the last of it." Mina declared, tossing one of the many empty boxes to the side of the room, and placing her hands on her hips, and putting her hands on her hips. A proud smirk on her face, showing off her sense of accomplishment at the completion of the task.

To be fair to her, they had accomplished a lot in the last hour. They had gotten through just about everything in just a single hour. Easily far faster than they had managed to sort out Izuku's room, which might have been attributed to them not having had a full rest, and still having their minds filled up on the day to come.

Awkward Energy - MinaDekuTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon