The Beasts Forest

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One thing that quickly made itself apparent to all of Class 1A as they fought like hell through the Beast's Forest, utilising their Quirks to the absolute maximum of their abilities against the dirt creations that Pixie-Bob made, as well as traversing the land and trying to make sure that they kept on track to the location they were given.

It was for absolute certain that they weren't going to be getting anywhere near their lodgings by noon. Not even close.

Maybe for Pro's - And that was a big maybe, depending on their Quirks and how familiar they were with the terrain - Getting there within three hours was possible. For these students, there was no way in hell. This place was like a living maze, filled with gargantuan beasts who only existed in any form whatsoever to try and block their path. Not to mention, just the sheer scope of what was in front of them.

Attack after attack after attack, the group had maybe one small break after the initial attack, before they'd all decided that they needed to get going, and since then, it had been one creature after another. That had been hours ago.

Pros, Mina decided, were filled with quite a variety of sadistic and quirky maniacs.

She came to this conclusion as she tangled with one of the beast creations herself, this one just as twisted and mangled as the one the classes strongest had taken down immediately, only this one had spiral-like horns, which Mina took almost like a personal challenge. Jirou and Kaminari were behind her, watching her back from another beast making its way up on them - Not that Mina was sure what the hell good Kaminari was going to be against literal dirt. This forest basically countered him perfectly, so he was pretty useless in this entire escapade. Not that it stopped him trying, mind, but he was with the Earphone Jack Quirk user.

So Mina decided to take this one on her own. Working with Izuku for as long as she had, she'd gained the experience and the act-before-thinking level of near idiotic confidence in herself to deal with this sort of threat. Stopping a Villain from attacking people she knew - That was one thing, but this was a whole other matter. Yet she didn't feel even the slightest tint of fear, apprehension, or even anxiety. She stood her ground, a smile on her face, ready to take her enemy on. Acid secreted from her palms and just over her wrists, and she stood, waiting to see what this barely sentient dirt, which was twice her size, would do. She tried to anticipate its movements, bouncing oh-so lightly on her legs as she did so, ready to move at a moment's notice.

As it turned out, the creature would throw a left armed hook towards her, with hands about the exact same size as the pink girl herself. Using her natural fitness and reflexes, Mina easily managed to skid out of the way without any risk to her person whatsoever. She then moved in, moving as fast as her legs would allow her to, getting in as close as she could to creature. One well-placed clomp of Acid at the torso of the creature, and it would crumble to nothing.

She closed the gap between her and said creature, aiming to land that solid his by making direct contact with it. The beast had strength and size, but it didn't have any particularly noteworthy speed, which under normal circumstances would give Mina an advantage.

This was a theory that was dashed quickly, however, when the dirt beast suddenly generated another muscular arm of earth from its stomach, reaching for the pink girl to grab her and toss her aside. It missed, Mina quickly stepping back and skidding along the ground, her hand gripping onto the dirt beneath her as she did so to slow her down.

Not that it was the weirdest thing that had happened all day, but Mina was still thrown off by it. None of the beasts had displayed anything even close to that sort of ability. They had just been cumbersome, slow, yet powerful beings, like elephants in a certain sense. What was the logic in this creature having that sort of power? Was it just to make the pupils lives more difficult? An added challenge? Perhaps that was some sort of attempt by the Pro Heroes Quirk to try and replicate what it would be like to fight Villains with unpredictable Quirks, but there was only so much that could be done with dirt...

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