Dance-Dance Date Night

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Seven-Sixteen PM. Mina glanced at the numbers on her phone, before switching it back into the standby mode and shovelling it into her pocket. She glanced around again, though she found out that nothing around her had particularly changed all that much. She had hoped that she would have seen Izuku making his way towards her and waving so she could see him. Then again, she knew she'd probably hear him before she saw him. He wasn't exactly great at keeping quiet.

She made herself laugh at the specific choice of words her mind decided to use for that, and then decided to pass the time. She reached for her phone again, flipped it on, and loaded up one of the many games she had on the device.

As both she and him had agreed on back in the hospital, the two of them hadn't been on an actual date in quite some time. Nothing that was just the two of them trying to enjoy themselves together, and nothing that they didn't just plan on doing with the others that they'd just be joined at the hip during. They hadn't made the choice to go out and enjoy themselves for an evening, although that could be partially to do with the fact that they had been insanely busy, and less than fortunate circumstances prevented them from doing so.

Back in the hospital though, Izuku had said that they needed to arrange some kind of date. It would do the pair of them some good, and would help them get their lives back on track. Besides, after dealing with Villains and failed outings and drama in the 1A class, a few hours away from anything even remotely Hero related sounded fantastic to the pair of them.

And when Izuku found himself looking forward to getting away from Heroism for a few hours, anyone who knew him knew that he needed a change of pace.

Hence why Mina found herself stood just next to the main gate for the famous Hero school, waiting for him.

Although it would be nice if Izuku could be on time. Mina thought the whole being late for things was her thing.

They had planned this since they got back to the dorms, and although they had found themselves busy with various things throughout the rest of the day, like costume upgrade discussion, training and refurbishment, Mina had gone out of her way to make sure that the pair of them were still up for their date that evening, which Izuku confirmed that they were. She could also tell from him smile and how he acted – Minus the nervous stammering that he seemed to have grown past when it came to her, at least in most cases – That he was looking forward to it.

So, she doubted that he forgot. Knowing Yuuei, someone, or something, had come up.

She could always head to the dorms and look for him herself, but that almost felt like defeat in a way. A very weird way that was particular only to Mina, but it was there. It wouldn't exactly be the... Best start to a date, reminding the other half that they were being waited on. That would kind of kill the magic, in Mina's head.

Of course it was equally possible that she was just thinking way too much about this. Spending so much time around Izuku was bound to have some... Side effects.

Her clothes weren't anything all that special either. It was still summer, and summer was boiling, especially in a crowded city like Musutafu. Sure, it might be late, but it would still be warm, though as the night went on, it would hopefully cool down. Her clothing reflected that, opting to dress lightly for the most part, with a light grey shirt with a dark blue circular symbol in the centre of her chest, the symbol being space agencies that apparently existed centuries ago – An old birthday shirt from her eldest brother. She combined that with loose-fitting shorts that ended up above her knees. She had considered skin-tight ones, but decided that given the heat, it might not have been the best choice. She also kept a jacket tied around her waist, just in case it got colder. Said jacket was remarkably similar to the jacket that belonged to Izuku she held onto while he was kidnapped – Dark grey sleeves, with a dark pink shade making up the torso section. A beaded necklace around her neck, and a hand bracelet hooked around her left horn. It served no real purpose, other than Mina thinking it was fun to have on. Even though she loved them, she acknowledged that her horns weren't exactly the most useful or practical mutations, so they might as well be accessorised a bit. To cap it all off, she carried a dark pink and black shoulder bag, which kept all her walking around belongings in it.

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