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Mina shouldn't have been surprised that the very first thing that her mother and father did when they saw her was hug her. As tight as they possibly could manage without breaking all of her bones. Her family was always close. She should have expected it.

But she just hadn't been. She didn't know why, but it caught her completely off her guard.

Her mother had been the first one to hug her. It had come just a few moments after Mina swore that she had seen the curtains being moved from her parents' room. The group hadn't even moved, not taken even a single step towards the front door, when it flung open, and bolted straight for her daughter so fast that barely anyone could even see her move with their naked eyes. One second, she was in the door-frame. And the neck, she had pulled a stunned Mina into her embrace.

She couldn't see, but she knew, knowing her mother, that tears had to be in her eyes. She got her own emotional side from her side. This was the same woman who couldn't watch any film that was even remotely sad at any point, even if she had seen it about seventeen times.

The next thing she knew, her father was also wrapping both of them into a hug. She had at least been aware of her mother's approach – Her father, she hadn't had even the first clue that he was about to show up, which... She wasn't sure if she should have been impressed by or not. He wasn't exactly an easy to miss guy, yet she hadn't even slightly spotted him.

"I was so worried about you..."


"Are you okay, Mina?"

"D-Dad, I'm... I'm fine. I'm alright..."

"What about your injuries? How are they?"

"Uh... More or less healed.... Got a scar though."

They didn't even seem to give even the slightest care that their daughters boyfriend, what they could only guess was his mother, and the Professional Hero that was the talking point of the entire globe was right in front of them. They were just overcome with unbridled joy that little else seemed to matter to them.

It took Mina a few moments, but she did eventually return her parents embraces. She had missed them too. Despite knowing what was going to go down, she wouldn't claim that she hadn't missed them, after all was said and done.

Izuku, Inko, nor All Might said a word. They all allowed the Ashido's to just have this simple moment. It was needed, more than anything for them right now. They'd been apart for so long, while their daughter had been exposed to danger... They had, in a way, been exposed to a parent's worst nightmare. Their child not coming home after danger had struck. The only difference was, they were lucky enough that their daughter had come home.

It wasn't any wonder that they were going to hold onto her now.

One For All's current inheritor couldn't stop himself from smiling gently. The open displays of affection the Ashido family showed to one another was different to the ways he and his mother showed one another that they cared. Most Midoriya emotions were expressed through tears. But the Ashido family were such a loving group that their interactions with one another were heart-warming.

No one really kept track on how long Mina's parents hugged her, but once they finally let go of the Acid Quirk user, Mina's father turned her attention towards Inko. "You must me Midoriya's mother." The larger man held out his hand, offering Inko a handshake.

Inko accepted. "That's right. I'm Izuku's mother, Inko. Izuku's spoken about you all a lot." Mina could see Inko's surprise at the appearance of her parent's. Neither had the multitude of Mutations that Mina herself had. She couldn't blame Inko for her reaction at all. Izuku had had the same reaction when he met them for the first time.

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