Short Time Off

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Before we start, I want to apologize about the length of this chapter, and its relative pointlessness. This was originally planned to be longer, but I've been to see a doctor and I got some... Unfavourable news, let's say. It's very personal and I'd like to not go into details, but as a result, I've been incredibly stressed and lost a lot of motivation to write. I still am writing, and I won't stop, since it's one of my only escapes from this whole situation, but I do hope you guys understand why this has been such a pain for me. I really am sorry, but I can't do anything about it while I'm in this mental state. But I did want to give you guys your weekly MinaDeku so... Here this is.

I will try to be back to normal next chapter, but I can't promise anything. I hope that you understand, and still enjoy what little I can give you.

Izuku hadn't even thought about his encounter with the Villain Shigaraki throughout the entirety of Mina's stay, and Mina could only classify that a a one hundred percent positive result. Her goal had always been to prevent him from thinking about them, from him having to relive the horrific encounter that he'd had the previous day. After dealing with so much crap every single day of his damn life that he deserved a break from it.

She'd suffer the consequences for it. She didn't care anymore. It was hard to care about some stupid rule or punishment that could be doled out toward her by the school when she and her boyfriend had literally been staring death in the face less than twenty four hours ago. She'd probably end up with detention, scolding's, and it was probably going to mean that out of everyone who went on the school trip, she was going to be the one who suffered the most... But still.

Aizawa-sensei could bite her for all she cared. Izuku was more important.

She shook her head, remembering that she couldn't be thinking about the results of skipping a day, and sabotaging it so Izuku would also miss one too. She'd take the blame for that too, but she'd deal with it when it came.

Right now, she was supposed to be admiring the thousands of fish and aquatic creature's right in front of her. Somehow, they had wound up in an aquarium after wandering around the city for a while, looking for something fun to do at Mina's insistence, practically dragging Izuku along the ground in order to get him to follow. The green haired boy said he would have rather just stayed home and studied to make up for lost time, and the hell she was gonna let that happen. If they had, or technically stole, some time off, then Izuku needed it to unwind for once in his life. To forget about becoming a Hero for just a few hours. To just kick back and enjoy himself for a bit. Otherwise, he was going to end up working himself into the ground.

When they'd found themselves on the same street as a fairly large housing of aquatic creatures, which boasted having a huge variety of them, it was pretty much agreed between the two before any words had even been spoken.

It had been years since Mina had actually gone to one of these places, or anything even remotely like them. She always loved them when she was younger, freaking out over the hundreds of creatures on display. It wasn't so much that she had a particular fondness for animals beyond thinking that some were cute, awesome, and weird or anything else. It was always such an exciting thing for her to go and do. In her younger days though, when she was still getting used to her Quirk, sometimes she lost control due to that same exhilaration, and caused some property damage that her parents had to pay for, that they were never pleased about.

She maintained that it wasn't as bad as the time Micha melted the family car down into sludge, though.

"Hey Mina, you need to check this one out!"

Again, this wasn't a day trip with her family. It was a date with her boyfriend while they really should be doing multiplication by fractions in class right now. If they had kept to the established timetable of Yuuei High, math should be occurring right now, and complex arithmetic would await them for the next hour and a half.

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