Silly Little Crush?

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Izuku wasn't much of a dreamer. Not in the sense of rest anyway. Sure he had his goals and aspirations that he wanted to achieve, and he'd work like a freaking lunatic in order to reach those goals without compromise. He was dedicated, determined, and focused almost to a fault, always doing whatever it took to get a step closer to his goal of being a Hero. Seeing everything as a chance to learn and absorb information from wherever he could, from whatever source. He was a model student, and an enthusiast for his chosen career path, and he aspired of that glorious day where he'd graduate, become a sidekick, and finally move on to becoming a full-fledged Hero.

But in terms of sleep, he didn't really dream a lot anymore... Scientifically, he knew that whenever he slept, he had a dream, but none of them were ever worth committing to memory, apparently, since they were forgotten the second his eyes opened. When he was younger, he had all sorts of childish fantastic dreams about being the Hero next to All Might who would save the day and have everyone chanting his name. He'd dream about attending a school like Yuuei, and learning every single trick in the book about becoming a Hero, making close friendships that would last a lifetime, and beginning to forge his own identity. He'd dream about fighting Villains, and saving people who needed the help, where he expected nothing but a 'Thank you' in return.

The thing was though, now that was his life. He was being guided by his idol, attending the world's most prestigious Hero Academy, had fought Villains - Although admittedly that one wasn't as glamorous as he'd thought it would be - and was gathering so many new friends that it far exceeded any expectations. Throughout his childhood, he was the kid everyone bullied, made fun of, mocked, or even beat to maintain their own social standing. Now he had so many close friends that he basically liked to consider his entire class a big social group. His entire world had been turned into a living dream that he had to fight like hell to keep going. It was just so much better than everything before.

One thing he never dreamed of, or really ever thought about, was ever having a girlfriend throughout his high school days. He'd always assumed he'd be too busy, too dedicated, or that no one would take an interest in Quirkless little Izuku. He never let it bother him though. He always focused on his studies more, so he didn't let the thought bug him. If it ever happened, great, he'd be over the moon if the planets aligned and the luck bestowed upon him, but if not, it was something that he could live with.

And now, he had Mina. The colourful, cheerful, quirky ball of energy that the entire class recognized as one of their more lively members. The girl who would play dumb jokes on other members, and laugh at the stupidest things. The girl who always seemed to be the bright glow in Class 1-A, standing out due to her innate unique appearance, and was as much of a standout as she was, there were very real, very human feelings that she had. And she had shared them with him.

And he had felt the same. And now...

Yesterday ran through his mind, over and over and over again as he slept, remembering everything that they had done, from him dancing like an idiot and burning himself out while somehow - God knew how - beating her at a rhythm game that relied on reflexes - Seriously, how had he managed this?! - , selecting reading material and finding out they had similar tastes, or just wondering around the place looking for something entertaining to do to kill some time.

He wasn't entirely sure where he developed these feelings from, how quickly they had come into being, but the happiness he felt, the beating of his heart when it fluttered, was something he wouldn't ever be able to replicate. Nor did he know where the courage to kiss her cheek like he had come from, but he was so happy that he had. It had made her open up to him. To confess to him...

To think a girl like Mina, someone so vibrant and lively, so outgoing and social, and so amazingly cute had those feelings for meek, nerdy Izuku...

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