Who The Hell Cares?!

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Reactions varied throughout the classroom towards Izuku and Mina announcing their relationship. The only common reaction that everyone seemed to hold was surprise and shock, mostly at the fact that these two, who could only be more different if Bakugou was thrown into the works, were not only this close, but now dating! Barely anyone had missed their avoidance of one another the past week, and for them to now come out with this? The reactions were somewhat valid when considered like this. It hadn't been supposed to spread like the wildfire that it had done, but it managed to explode and expand all at once.

The plan that the two of them had come up with was to just inform their closest friends at first, and then go about the day like normal, only no longer hiding any public displays of affection - All of which were bound to have come from Mina, since Izuku was way too reserved to ever do something like that - and if anyone who didn't know asked, they would tell them. It was better than getting up at the front of the class like they were on some sort of trial and declaring it for all the world to hear. At least it was better for Izuku. Mina wouldn't have minded so much.

So the list of people who would be told really came down to Kirishama, Siro, Hagakure, Asui and Kaminari on Mina's side, and Uraraka, Iida, and Todoroki for Izuku. Mina expressed a bit of surprise at Izuku's inclusion of Todoroki on that list, until she was reminded of their joint venture against the Hero Killer. It made her laugh. Izuku could have the ever loving crap beaten out of him by someone one day, and consider them a buddy the next. A part of her was actually sort of surprised he hadn't made any plans to inform Bakugou, given the sort of person her green haired boyfriend was. In the face of pure hostility, he was still able to only address the positives in an individual, whereas any sane person would have gotten tired of the explosive teenagers attitude years ago, and probably thrown him out a window had they possessed a strong enough Quirk. She was thankful that Izuku wasn't that suicidal or cocky enough to tell his childhood friend / bully. He was smarter than that.

And so, they attempted to tell their social groups one by one. Since Uraraka hadn't arrived at the room yet, and nor had Bakugou or Kaminari, that left a smaller list of people that they had to inform right out of the gate, which in a way, made things easier. For Izuku, the first person he spoke to was the Half-Hot-Half-Cold Quirk user, since Iida was busy with his class president duties at the time they made their way into the classroom.

Todoroki's reaction ranged onto the lower end of the scale, showing more an indifference than anything else. His expression barely changed, not showing really any sort of surprise. The only slight change you could see was the fact that, on the burned side of his face, his eyebrow raised slightly.

"...Is there a particular reason you felt the need to inform me of this, Midoriya?" He added a particular emphasis when referring to himself, which did indicate a small amount of intrigue in the Quirk Inheritors choice to trust him with this knowledge. His question almost bordered accusatory, like he thought Izuku was attempting to get a reaction of sorts from him.

Izuku quickly shook his head, and desperately made arm flailing to try and get Todoroki to please lower his voice, since he had made no effort to adjust his volume when speaking back to him. "W-Well, we're j-just trying to tell people we're good f-friends with, so it doesn't you know, explode."

"And you seriously think that telling Hagakure of all people is a good idea in that situation?" The bi-hair coloured boy asked, pointing behind Izuku. Located a few seats and rows away, Mina had evidently told the Transparency Quirk holder about the relationship that the two of them shared. Excitable as ever, Hagakure had presumably clasped hold of Mina's hands - Honestly, with no visible anatomy, it was difficult to tell - and begun to jump up and down on the spot like an excited child. Not exactly subtle.

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