Hot Springs And Easy Targets

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If there was one thing that could be universally said about the food at the lodgings, it was that it absolutely freaking amazing. Pretty much everyone in the entire dining hall was wolfing it down like they'd gone a full week without any sort of sustenance whatsoever, be the reason that the food was genuinely delicious, because they had just gone the entire day without any real meals, had been pushing themselves to the brink over and over and over again without the forest, or because they were all too exhausted to care what it was that they ate, everyone was stuffing their faces with virtually everything that was within their reach.

And it was all incredible, mouth-watering, and satisfyingly filling dish after dish. Meats, vegetables, breads, fish, fruits, pastas, and all sorts of stuff that was in between. Some of it, none of the students had even heard of.

Not that it was stopping any of them.

Both Izuku and Mina ended up with some orange sort of bread-cake, whatever it was even supposed to be. The best guess they had was that it was some kind of fruit cake without fruit, but even then it tasted and felt more like wheat than confectionery. Neither of them had even seen it before, never mind tasted it, but given their raging hunger, both of them didn't hesitate for even a second to shove them down their throats. They turned out to be extraordinarily tasty - Whatever the hell it even was.

"Mmmm!" The entire table seemed to be making similar noises in response to whatever they'd managed to sink their teeth into, but sat right next to her, Izuku heard Mina's the most loudly. Her face was scrunched up as she chewed on whatever it was that she'd grabbed and stuffed into her mouth. Though it was through some full mouthed mumbling on her part, Izuku did manage to interpret that Mina was saying something about not having a clue what this substance was, but that she wanted to know because it was so enjoyable.

Though he was using the proper utensils himself, Izuku wasn't much better, getting hold of a little bit of absolutely everything within chopstick range - Not within arms range, but within the tiny extra range that the small wooden eating equipment gave him - and shovelling it into his bowl, and then into his open mouth. Having barely eaten all day, everyone was desperate. And the food was delicious. Plus, with all the exercise done... There wasn't a single person who was truly, properly minding their manners, focused more on just cramming it all in their throats.

Conversation did pick up the longer that all the students were there, once they'd acquired their energy back and filled their bellies. Some people slowed down in order to converse with their fellow students, Mina being one of such people, once she'd gotten enough sustenance to stop herself from shaking out of hunger.

"Hey, what's the boys' room like?" She questioned the area of densely packed area of male students. Somehow, things had once again ended up with all the girls in one area of one of the two tables Class 1-A were occupying, while the male students also seemed all grouped up, though exceptions varied dependent on friendships and relationships. Not that things were intended to be like this, they just sort of happened.

If there was one kind of person who was able to make friends with nearly everyone in the class though, regardless of gender, biological or identification, upbringing, spiritual beliefs, even if she had none herself, or anything else for that matter, Mina was one of those types of people. Even before she began to date Izuku, aside from being friends with every single girl in the class, she was also on good terms with the majority of the guys too. No one particularly minded her at all, so she was totally comfortable where she was.

Looking up from his bowl, Kaminari glanced towards the Acid Quirk user, and speaking with a mouthful of rice. His words were muffled and hard to understand, but Mina managed to interpret his intended sentence as, "It's just a big room."

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