Before The Rescue...

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What was she going to say?

What was she going to explain to her family?

What was she going to tell them?

Mina hovered her thumb over the call button to her mother's cell number, for the fourth time in the last ten minutes, before the screen went black, and she had to switch it back on from standby mode again. She knew that she only had about twenty four hours, tops, before the mission would actually begin to go rescue Izuku. That meant that there was only twenty four hours in which she could do this.

A thousand questions were running through her head as she considered hitting dial. Things that she needed to go over in her head, things she needed to think through and finalize in her brain before she actually committed to hitting that button and calling her family.

She already knew that they were worried sick. There wasn't any doubt in her mind in that regard whatsoever. For all the teasing and taunting, and for all the punches to the guy that she wanted to give her siblings at times, all the times she wanted to just plug her ears when her mother started to talk, and all the times she wished she could shut her father up, the Ashido family all had strong bonds. For all their banter and jokes and sometimes legitimate arguments, they cared deeply about one another. Mina loved her family, absolutely. And that was why she didn't want to worry them any more than they already were bound to be.

But there wasn't any way that she was going to be able to do something like this without worrying them even more.

How did she explain that she wasn't going to return home, even though she would no doubt be discharged tomorrow?

Did she tell them that they were going to rescue Izuku?

If she did, would it be a better idea to wait until the morning? If they knew that she was going to go and try and rescue her boyfriend, would they call the cops to try to stop her?... Actually, she didn't know why she was even thinking about it. Of course they would. What doubt was there?

So many things were swirling about inside her mind that it was beginning to get difficult for her to focus. Various questions unrelated to her current predicament were distracting her. So many feelings, so much raw emotion was dragging her attention away from the task at hand. Strife and remorse and regret all playing their hand at trying to break the pink skinned girl and make her unable to bring herself to push that call button.

Izuku's Quirkless origins being outed by Bakugou, and her own panicked admission of it.

The state that Izuku was bound to be in at the Villains lair.

Her questions regarding One For All and if it was even possible to steal the Quirk.

Confliction and, primarily, anger towards Kirishima for hitting her like he had done, and his lack of understanding of the situation.

Fear for her boyfriend's safety.

And none of that was even considering the seemingly inevitable backlash she was bound to receive for acting the way that she had. The backlash Izuku was going to get for hiding his Quirkless origins from everyone, even if he explained that All Might had asked him to remain silent. Would their classmates shun him now? For lying about the origins of his power? For betraying their trust?

...For being Quirkless?

Everything was just jumbled up, every fear, every doubt, all holding her back. Making her doubt herself before pressing the button to call her mother's phone, not trusting herself not to either burst into tears again, or reveal something that could give up the plan. She was a mess. And she was acutely aware of the state that she was in... But she couldn't think of any real way to get out of it.

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