Turmoil and Torment

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Within a matter of hours, every single person who was in Class 1-A was at the hospital after Kirishima sent out a mass text relaying the news. People came practically running into the building, despite it being late at night, to see that this was a true statement, and not some cruel joke that their Hardening Quirk using friend was trying to pull on them.

Generally, people were relieved to see that Bakugou was returned, relatively unharmed, and the injuries that he did have weren't fatal in any way. Like him or hate him, Bakugou was one of the classmates of 1A. From all the various battles they had shared, a sense of camaraderie was there, even if it was strained to the breaking point a large amount of the time. No one wanted Bakugou to be hurt.

No one expect Mina, anyway.

For the longest time since she had managed to regain her composure, she had just been glaring at him, with nothing but hatred inside her. It bordered onto the territory of excessive disdain, beyond all reasonable degrees. It was unfair. Not that Villains would care. Complaining about villains doing something that was unfair was like getting mad at a baby for crying. But it didn't stop Mina. That logic couldn't stop her. Filled with grief and just the absolute torment that was this entire endeavor was too much for her. She wasn't strong enough to accept the cold, hard logical facts of the matter right now. She just couldn't.

Words just couldn't do her any sort of justice anymore. She couldn't even begin to express the misery that she was currently being forced to endure. How worthless and depressed she truly felt. How helpless that the situation was. How unfair and how cruel the world seemed right now. How just against her and Izuku everything seemed to be.

Was this what being a Hero was like? All the time? Was this the life that they had to look forward to? Was this the existence that they had to accept, to face every single day to their lives, without reprieve?

The cruel part was, was that she could deal with that. She could accept the dangers that came with Heroism. She's been prepared for those ever since she decided that she wanted to be a Hero. She'd made peace with that a long, long time ago. Anyone who wanted to be a Hero had to accept the dangers that came with the job.

But now, she could only face those realities if Izuku was by her side.

And seeing their various classmates express relief that he was okay triggered something deep inside Mina that just irritated her, angered her even, to the point where just being in the same room as the Explosion Quirk user was just making her sick. She couldn't stand him at the best of times, and right now? After everything that had gone down?...

Knowing what she knew about him, about the kind of person that he was, about what he had done to Izuku throughout the course of his life...

It broke her.

Why him?

Why was he the one they let go? He was the one that entire attack had been because of, so why had the Villains just released him like they had? Why had they released him when they went to such lengths to take him with them? Why was Izuku the one that they had kept?... Why....

Just why?

Did the universe just have it out for the two of them? Was there some sort of cosmic being that was determining that they weren't allowed to be near one another again? That she couldn't be near the boy that she loved? That she couldn't see him right now? That she couldn't just hug him as tightly as her body would let her and cry, and just say that she's sorry. Sorry for what she said. What she did. For doubting him. For...

For not being good enough.

For letting him get hurt, over and over, and not being able to do anything about it.

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