The Empty Classroom

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Hero Teams were on the decline in the world of Heroism, and as a direct result of this, Yuuei had very few of its members interested in joining one, making it a lower priority when it came to funding. In the past, that particular aspect of the high school for training teenagers into superheroes was far more popular, but these days, maybe three or four such teams existed in the entire school, at any one time, and those were formed of very close, tight- knit groups of friends.

Or in Mina and Izuku's circumstances, boyfriend and girlfriend.

When the young couple walked into the room to find out where they were supposed to go to sign up for the sessions, or who was leading said sessions, or really, any information whatsoever about the Hero Teams, they were greeted by a set of about seven different pairs of eyes, all fixed right on the first year couple.

Another thing if note that was abruptly dropped on the pair of them. Currently, they were the only first years who were interested in this sort of thing. The rest were second or third years, people who had arguably more experience than them - Arguably, because the first years had gone through a hell of a lot more than the second years would have traditionally gone through, due to constant Villain attacks against them.

The room was primarily second years, small groups that had just decided to give Hero Teams a shot. People who had grown to know each other over the course of over a year or so. Not all of them would stick with it, deciding that it wasn't the path for them, hence why there were only a couple of third year teams here.

The fact that there were no first year Hero Teams, or even showing an interest in the concept, wasn't exactly a reassuring thing for the always anxious Izuku. It made part of him feel like he and Mina were perhaps rushing into this without thoroughly thinking things through, like these other, senior members of the school. These people must have had a better idea as to what one could expect of this sort of extra-curricular class.

Plus, they must have known about this for a lot longer than they had. Having only heard it from Aizawa-sensei just a couple of days ago, they had decided to see what they could learn from it, under the guise of 'Nothing ventured, nothing gained'. They didn't really know much else about the classes at all, other than Aizawa recommended it if they were dating.

Was this a good idea for them?

Was it their best choice, or were they overthinking things?

Would firming a Hero Team together be the best choice?

Before Izuku could begin his infamous muttering that could be used as a special move all of its own, he felt Mina's warm hand wrap itself around his own, and intertwining their fingers in that way that joined them close together. Reflexively, his head turned to look towards her, and he was greeted with the trademark Ashido smile, wide and pure.

"You're overthinking things. Don't worry 'bout anything, Izuku." She told him with a reassuring tone in her voice, squeezing his hand a bit tighter. "We don't have to commit to this if we don't wanna, remember? We're just here to check it out."

If there was something that Mina had improved on during their time dating, it was her ability to detect Izuku's discomfort and reassure him of the worries he had. She didn't even need to hear him use words to know what was going on sometimes. Like she'd learned just what made him tick in such a short space of time, and what things she had to do or say to get him to calm down... Or make him blush, depending on her mood. Either way, she brought him immense comfort just being around him these days... And it was just one of the reasons Izuku cared for her.

And one of the reasons why, pushing aside his awkward and overthinking traits, he was confident in the idea of making a Hero Team with her. They both balanced the other person out. Mina, by her own admission, wasn't the best when it came to strategy or planning, while Izuku excelled in these areas, and where Izuku tended to show his nervousness and shy ticks, Mina was energetic and social. As a pair, they pretty much covered all bases – Izuku was good at dealing with Villains, mostly due to his experience in doing so, and Mina was great at working with civilians due to her sociable personality. Of course, each of them had skills in the others specialty, but that was to be expected of every Hero on the planet.

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